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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1636

Caught off guard, Sheryl found herself locked inside Lewis' arms.

"Mr. Xu, let go of me!" after struggling several times to free herself from his vice grip arms, Sheryl screamed. She couldn't help getting angry at him.

"I won't let you go until you agree with me!" Lewis insisted.

His words took Sheryl aback. She couldn't believe that Lewis would act so shamelessly!

All her attempts of getting rid of Lewis failed. Biting her lip at last, Sheryl finally gave up and stopped struggling.

After noticing Sheryl's silence, Lewis continued, "Sheryl, you know that I did all of this for you. You're the only one that I want!"

"You should already know that you can't force anyone to love you. For the last time, I'm warning you. If you don't let me go, we can't even be friends anymore," Sheryl stated coldly.

Hearing her words, Lewis suddenly came to his sense. 'Why am I being so irrational just now? What have I done to Sheryl?' Lewis thought in disbelief.

He released his grip and stood aghast, staring at his hands. He couldn't believe what he had just done. But he also realized that his feelings for Sheryl were so strong and uncontrollable that he had lost his head at that moment.

As soon as Lewis let go of her, Sheryl quickly rushed away and out of his reach. She was afraid that he would do something to her again.

Soon enough, she found herself a few meters away from Lewis.

By the time Lewis had realized what happened, Sheryl had already reached her car and was ready to get in.

"Sheryl!" running towards her, Lewis called out.

Looking at Lewis from a distance, Sheryl hastened her action, trying to escape his pursuit.

However, Lewis ran faster. Before she could get in her car, Lewis was already standing in front of her.

"Sheryl, I'm so sorry! I was being too rude just now. I didn't mean to..." Lewis explained quickly.

"Lewis, I don't need your explanation. I see you as a friend only, nothing more. I hope you can understand that we can't be together. Please, stay away from me from now on," Sheryl snapped coldly with an impatient expression. She didn't want to listen to any of his excuses anymore.

Sheryl knew that she must put him off as soon as possible. Therefore, she decided to tell him the truth, though it might hurt Lewis to hear. It was better than letting him continue living in a fantasy world.

Looking at Sheryl with a pained expression, Lewis wondered what she was thinking about.

Assuming that she had successfully convinced Lewis to give up, Sheryl felt relieved. However, just as she was ready to get into her car, Lewis grabbed her arm again.

"Sheryl, is Charles really so much better than me?" Lewis asked angrily. He could no longer contain his feelings. He didn't understand why Sheryl would choose Charles over him. He always thought that he was superior in all aspects. Why would Sheryl ignore him all the time?

"Lewis, love is not something that you can measure according to certain criteria. You can't force it on people. I don't love you, which I have told you quite clearly. How many times do you want me to repeat it?" Sheryl spat. Sheryl didn't know what else she could say or do to make Lewis give up the notion.

She was confident that she could deal with a regular suitor. But she didn't think that a man as stubborn as Lewis could be sent away so easily. He refused to listen to her, anyway.

"Love can be cultivated, right? You know what, everybody talks about your family's business now. Nobody believes that your relationship with Charles will last." Seeing that Sheryl wanted to break free, Lewis tightened his grip.

Feeling the pain in her arm, Sheryl couldn't help groaning aloud.


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