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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1637

"You didn't see the look on that woman's face, Leila. Charles is still her husband but I guess he can't do anything about her now. I can't believe he could stand her before! She's so shameless! Doesn't she know how to behave properly?" Melissa was fuming—her lips were quivering in anger.

Leila rubbed her back to help her relax. She didn't expect Melissa to get this angry, and she couldn't help but worry about Melissa's health.

"Please, calm down, Aunt Melissa. When you get mad, she's just winning. Don't worry about her. She's digging a hole for herself. Charles is going to leave her as soon as he wakes up. You'll never have to see her then. So don't get all worked up now. It's not good for your health either." Leila knew very well how to handle Melissa. After she spoke, Melissa eventually calmed down. Melissa nodded her head in agreement. She actually wanted Lewis to keep on pursuing Sheryl so that she could finally leave Charles alone.

"You're right, Leila. I got caught up in the moment. I shouldn't care about her. It was stupid of me!" Melissa lightly slapped herself as if she was frustrated. She shouldn't have gotten mad and she knew that.

"Forgive me if I'm being too invasive, Aunt Melissa. But do you still see Sheryl as your daughter-in-law? Because if not, you wouldn't get mad, even if you saw her with another man," Leila said cautiously. She looked away when she had finished speaking as if she was afraid that Melissa would get mad at her.

"How could that be? Leila, please, don't think that way. To be honest, I've never treated her as my daughter-in-law. Isn't it obvious? If it wasn't for Charles, I would have kicked her out of Dream Garden long ago!" Melissa raised her voice. She could tell that Leila was jealous and she needed to make her feel better.

"Please, don't get mad at me, Aunt Melissa. I didn't mean anything by that. I was just curious. Please, forgive me." Melissa had instantly appeased Leila's worries as she could tell that Melissa was telling the truth.

Leila knew she would be able to get rid of Sheryl with Melissa's support, so she began dreaming of her future with Charles.

'Sheryl, watch and see. You'll regret starting a fight with me in the first place. I will teach you defeat against a deadly enemy. Charles will be mine!' Leila swore to herself. She turned to Melissa and smiled. Then they held hands as they turned to go back inside the hospital.

They both agreed that Sheryl was an annoyance that they needed to get rid of soon.

After what happened at the hospital, Sheryl headed straight home.

For a good hour, she just sat on the sofa, immobile. She still couldn't believe that Lewis had just confessed to her like that. Still in shock, she wondered what she did to suddenly make him that desperate.

She thought she had made it clear to him that they'd never be together because she loved Charles and that was it. She thought Lewis understood her, so she couldn't understand why he wouldn't just move on.

As much as Sheryl wanted to believe that Lewis would just leave her alone and move on, that wasn't reality. The reality was Lewis not taking no for an answer as he followed her around everywhere she went. Even as Sheryl went to the hospital to visit Charles, Lewis would be there too, proclaiming his love for her. If anything, he was persistent as he tried to get Sheryl to go out with him.

Sheryl was losing her mind. No matter how many times she refused Lewis or how cruel she'd be to him, Lewis would just come running right back to her.

Since no matter what she did, it seemed as if he didn't listen to her; she had no choice, but to secretly go to the hospital, so she could check on Charles. This was the only way she could visit Charles, and at the same time, avoid both Melissa and Lewis. Sometimes, she thought that it was like she had to constantly balance having a tiger ready to pounce at her from behind; and a wolf ready to attack her from the front.

"Sher, hurry. I saw Mr. Xu just leaving, so this is your only opening," Cassie urged when she returned to the room. She went outside to check if Lewis was there. Thanks to Cassie, Sheryl was able to slip in and out of the hospital unnoticed, and at the same time, she was able to spend time with Charles.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Thank you, Cassie! Please, keep an eye on Charles for me. Call me if anything happens!" Then just like that, Sheryl was gone. Sheryl felt like she was being stalked. She ran to her car as fast as she could, afraid that Lewis might see her, and she just didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.

"I will. Please, take care, Sher!" Cassie shouted from behind, even though she wasn't sure if Sheryl could hear her. Even Cassie was getting tired of this set-up.

Cassie had to watch Sheryl sneak in and out of the hospital for the past few days. No matter how nice Lewis was, Sheryl just didn't have feelings for him.

From an outsider's perspective, no one was a better choice than Lewis—he was good-looking and had his own company. Nick and Cassie just wished that Sheryl would change her mind, or at least give Lewis a chance. Charles had broken her heart, and she should move on and find her happiness elsewhere. However, Sheryl was resolute—she loved Charles and Charles only. Nick and Cassie couldn't do anything, because it was her life after all. The most they could do was give advice, but that was it.

Shortly after Sheryl left, Nick arrived. When he saw that Cassie seemed to be lost in thought, he assumed she was upset again for not remembering something. So he approached her and wrapped his arms around her.

"What are you thinking? Something from work?" he asked in a gentle and low voice. Cassie had just returned to work, and Nick worried that she was pushing herself too hard, too early. If she felt overwhelmed on her first days back, Nick wanted to suggest for her to take a few days off first.

Lifting her head, Cassie looked back at Nick. She cleared her mind by shaking her head. "No, no, it's not about me. I'm just worried about Sheryl. Nick, can you remember the last time she smiled?"

Cassie was right, Sheryl had experienced bad luck left and right. When her family—Charles and their two kids—was finally given the chance to live together, they had all thought that the family would live happily ever after. However, it didn't take long for Leila to cause trouble for them. It seemed as if fate was playing around with Sheryl. Even if Charles woke up, it would be very difficult to patch up their relationship again.

Nick sighed, feeling bad for Sheryl. After a while, he spoke, "She'll be fine. She'll be happy one day, I know it."


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