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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1723

Waiting downstairs, Aron started to run out of patience. Isla still hadn't come back. He couldn't help but grow more and more concerned. Finally, as he decided to go and find her, Isla hastily came down to him.

Aron relaxed the second he saw Isla. Surprised, he asked, "What happened in there?"

"Nothing, don't worry about that. Listen, Sheryl's kids are so naughty! Sheryl almost lost her temper. How can I know if they're telling the truth? You know what kids at their age are like!" Isla said as she walked with Aron toward the car. Aron unlocked the car door for Isla and carefully helped her get in. When Isla had settled in, Aron started the engine and drove away.

Aron didn't fully understand what Isla was trying to prove. Still, he tried his best to talk to her. "Sheryl's kids are really smart. Maybe too smart for their age, don't you think?"

"Definitely. They're way too smart for their age. Have you ever seen someone younger behave like that? They had planned to get Sheryl and Charles back together, right under our noses, and we didn't even notice it!"

While Isla was happy for Sheryl and her smart kids, she still worried about her. Smart kids tended to be sensitive, so Sheryl needed to work extra hard to protect her kids and make sure that they would be fine, and give them the best life she could.

"Well, you should stop worrying about Sheryl, okay? She can handle herself." Aron grabbed Isla's hand to comfort her.

Isla immediately lit up at Aron's touch. She lifted her head and flashed him a smile. She could feel his love and care at this moment. She nodded her head and agreed to not worry about it anymore.

Now that Isla was feeling better, Aron asked her to tell him the whole story again. After Isla had finished, he finally understood why she was concerned. He thought hard, too—he was an optimistic man, who always found a way to look at the bright side.

He knew how difficult life could get. However, he believed that as long as two people loved each other and trusted one another, they could get through anything. He didn't think divorce was the right choice for Sheryl and Charles. He was strongly against it as he believed that they could still fix it. After all, they had two kids together.

Aron suddenly said to Isla, "Can you help me in convincing them not to go through with the divorce? I really don't think they should do it."

Isla was just getting ready to nap and had closed her eyes. However, upon hearing what Aron had said, she sat up and frowned at him. Her eyes had widened. She replied, raising her voice, "Do you want me to die? Can you imagine what Sheryl would do to me if I did that? I'd be going behind her back!"

"Don't be so crazy! Sheryl is reasonable. She's just a bit confused right now, but I'm sure she'll be back to normal in no time, and then she'll know the right thing to do. You're her best friend. She'll listen to you if talked to properly. Maybe, they won't end up going through with the divorce!" Aron lowered his voice. He tried to stay calm as he talked to Isla as he didn't want to end up arguing with her.

"I know Sheryl, better than you do! She'll never forgive me if I betrayed her. Charles has already done it! Twice! She's caught him having an affair with Leila, twice! She won't be able to take it if I turn on her too. She's had enough!" Isla snapped as she rolled her eyes.

"Fine, fine! Just ignore what I said!" Aron didn't push it anymore when he saw the look on Isla's face.

Aron gathered himself and didn't say any more. Meanwhile, Isla was lost in her own thoughts. She knew what would happen if she did as Aron wanted her to. While she also didn't think divorce was the right thing to do for Sheryl and Charles, she had to respect Sheryl's decision, and that was the best thing she could do for Sheryl right now.

Sheryl was also struggling in her head. After Isla had left, she continued to think closely about her decision. To her kids, her choice was selfish; but she couldn't put up with Charles anymore. Between her and Charles, they could never forget what had happened!

She frantically shook her head to clear her mind of Charles. She only wanted to focus on the kids.

After a while, Alex quietly walked out of the kids' bedroom. She said as she gave her regards to Sheryl, "Mrs. Xia, the kids are asleep now. You should go rest now while it's still early."

"Okay, thank you. You must be tired as well. You should also get some sleep," Sheryl said with a smile.

Alex meaningfully gazed at Sheryl. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but she decided against it. She just nodded and then left the dining room.

Sheryl was alone now. Right away, she prepared to go to bed.


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