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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1724

Melissa took out her phone with haste, even before Leila could react. Leila watched Melissa as she hurriedly dialed a number on her phone. She had no idea whom Melissa was calling. However, she believed that this call would resolve Melissa's confusion.

As soon as the call connected, Melissa shouted out in anger, "Sheryl, is Charles there in your apartment?"

As soon as Leila heard Melissa speak to Sheryl over the phone, she could put her speculating mind to rest. It was Sheryl that Melissa had contacted. A strong sense of disappointment crept into Leila's mind, and it flashed on her face immediately. 'How could she call Sheryl at this crucial moment? It was as if only Sheryl could find Charles!' Leila thought angrily as she bit her lips in a mark of hatred, which reflected in her eyes.

At Sheryl's apartment. Sheryl had just closed her eyes, trying to sleep when her phone rang. She picked up the phone and was startled to see the name that glowed on the mobile screen.

'It's Melissa.

Why is she calling me at midnight?

Is Charles alright?'

Sheryl got really worked up. The first thing that came to her mind was a concern for Charles' well-being. She shuddered at the thought of any possible harm that could have befallen him once again. Without any further hesitation, Sheryl answered the call.

As soon as she pressed the answer button, Melissa's harsh voice hit her ears. It was clear from Melissa's first sentence that Charles had not reached home yet.

Sheryl knew how much she cared about Charles, but also she knew that it would be pointless showing it in front of Melissa. She was well aware of Melissa's approach towards her. All that Melissa wanted was to break all ties with Sheryl by getting her to divorce her son.

"Mom, it has been a very long time since I have seen Charles. You know that," Sheryl replied in a calm voice.

"Don't play with me. Sheryl, I am warning you. If something has happened to my son, you will have to pay for it." Melissa couldn't control her emotions. She just wanted to take it all out on Sheryl.

"Charles is not here in my apartment. I have no idea of his whereabouts nowadays. If there's nothing else, I'm hanging up," Sheryl said with determination and hung up before Melissa could speak.

However, after she had hung up, she couldn't remain calm anymore. Several unnerving thoughts started clouding her mind.

Sheryl held her phone close to her chest and thought about whether she should call Charles. Sheryl looked at Charles' number in her contact list and was just about to hit the call button when she stopped herself. She held the phone in her hand and walked towards the balcony. The cool wind brushed against her face helping her to calm herself down.

"Charles, if something bad has happened to you, I'll never be able to forgive myself. So you will be okay, right?" Sheryl muttered, with tears rolling down on her face.

She snorted, wiped away her tears, and let out a sigh. Then she pulled herself back to bed and tried to fall asleep. She tried not to worry about Charles, and comforted herself by thinking, 'Charles must be okay.' 'He just wants to hide himself, so Melissa can't find him. He will be okay, '

Sheryl kept assuring herself all through the night, but it didn't work. She could not get to sleep until dawn.

In the Dream Garden

Leila watched as Melissa stared at the phone screen after Sheryl had hung up. Leila was already disgusted enough when she saw Melissa call Sheryl. But now she got all the more worked up because she knew that there was no one, apart from her, was there to bear the hysterical aftermath of Melissa's telephone conversation with Sheryl.

Needless to say, Melissa was fuming with anger. And Leila had to keep her company, even though she wanted so badly to hit the sack. If Melissa didn't go to sleep, there was no way that she could go to bed either. At this moment, Leila had no other option than to hear Melissa out while she vented her anger and frustration about Sheryl.

Leila could barely keep her eyes open and answered Melissa infrequently.

"Sheryl, the bitch. Just wait until Charles gets back! I'll tell him how bad and ill-mannered she is. I'll expose her real face in front of him. I will not let her play tricks on my son anymore."

Melissa was getting increasingly agitated. Then she stood up and started to pace back and forth in the living room.

"Aunt Melissa, don't be angry. Such a bitch doesn't deserve your time. You should take care of yourself. If you fall sick, she'll be more than delighted."

Leila pulled herself up from the sofa, walked towards Melissa, and pulled her to stop her walking around in the living room. Melissa was walking in circles which made Leila dizzy. If Melissa continued, Leila thought that she would fall asleep right there on the sofa.


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