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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1740

All of a sudden, the color drained out of Melissa's face, and her face became as white as paper. "What do we do, Leila!? We can't let Sheryl get in the way! We can't!"

Melissa repeated her own words, panic-stricken, and lost in thought.

Leila smiled mildly, careful not to let Melissa see it. This was what Leila had wanted to happen.

"Don't worry, Aunt Melissa. Whether we can succeed this time really depends on you. Sheryl is forcing Charles to agree to a divorce, and Charles keeps putting it off. The only way to solve the problem now is to pretend to be sick again, and this time, say that you're sick because of Sheryl. Then you can ask Charles to choose between you and Sheryl. I am pretty sure that he will choose you over her, and he'll have no other choice but to sign the divorce papers."

To Leila, Melissa pretending to be sick again was the only way. They had to force Charles to make a decision, and after what they had already tried, things were urgent. Charles was so indecisive, and he needed someone to push him.

"Sure. I'll do that."

Melissa was completely at a loss and also completely desperate. She would say yes to whatever Leila told her. She believed that Leila was the only person who could help her fix this dilemma.

Gradually, Melissa calmed down as Leila continued to comfort her.

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Sheryl couldn't focus on her work at all. She knew that Charles had gotten the summons. She checked her phone from time to time. She waited and waited some more, expecting him to call her. But he did not call her, nor did he leave her a text message. She felt like her faith in him had been fading, little by little. Maybe it was time to let go completely.

It was the most typical thing that women did. Even though they were the ones who wanted the divorce and who signed the papers, they would always hope that their husbands would beg them to stay and forget about all their troubles.

And that, in truth, was what Sheryl was hoping for. Although she had no choice but to divorce Charles, given her current situation and Ferry's threat, she still hoped that Charles would call her. But, she had waited such a long time, and her patience was wearing out. No word could describe how depressed she felt.

Eventually, she gave up.

In order to distract herself, Sheryl walked out of her office and walked over to Phoebe's desk, where she took some of the files and documents that lay on top.

"President Xia, this is my work. How could I ask you to do my work for me?" Phoebe asked, surprised.

What Sheryl did next surprised her even more. Sheryl smiled at her and told her, "That's fine. Just let me help you. I don't have much work to do right now."

Phoebe immediately understood what had happened. She knew that Sheryl had a lot of going on lately because of Charles.

Sheryl used to occupy most of her time with work. However, in the second half of this year, everything started to go smoothly in the company, which left Sheryl with nothing to do. She suddenly had a lot of time to think about Charles.

Phoebe understood that once Sheryl started to be idle, she would immerse herself in sorrow again. No wonder she was trying to take over her work.

"Okay, President Xia. Just wait a second. Let me check if anything needs your signature, and I'll send it to your office, right away," Phoebe said, feeling embarrassed.

She walked Sheryl back to her office, and when she returned to her desk, instead of checking her files like she said she would, she called Isla.

Isla was at the airport, waiting for a flight to Turkey when she heard her phone ringing. She fished it out and checked the caller ID. She was rather surprised to see that Phoebe was calling, and she couldn't help but wonder if something had happened to Sheryl.

"Phoebe, what's wrong? Is something wrong with Sheryl?" Isla asked, her voice full of worry.

Phoebe glanced towards Sheryl's office. When she was sure that Sheryl wouldn't leave, she lowered her voice. "President Zhao, I don't know what's going on with President Xia lately. She's always trying to find herself work to do. Just now, she tried taking some of my files. What should I do?"


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