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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1741

"Money makes the world go round." The bartender agreed to help Charles get home to the Dream Garden.

Leila was already waiting for Charles to come home by the time the bartender arrived at the Dream Garden. When she caught sight of them, she then quickened her pace and said to the bartender, "I can take over from here. Thanks for your help!"

The bartender nodded his head in agreement when he saw Leila. He then turned around and left the Dream Garden.

Charles may have drunk too much, but he still knew what was going on, so Leila didn't have to carry him inside.

"Charles, are you all right? Why did you drink so much?" Leila touched his forehead gently. She looked so worried as she gazed at Charles.

Charles cracked a smile and murmured, "Sheryl, don't worry. I'm okay. I will be fine as long as you won't leave me. Don't leave me, please?"

All the color in Leila's face drained upon hearing Sheryl's name. She glared at Charles—seething!

Charles was already lying on his bed. Leila nudged him, but he didn't respond anymore. Her eyes instantly widened. She knew this was her opportunity, and she'd been waiting for this for so long.

"Charles?" Leila called.

Charles still didn't respond. This was how Leila confirmed that he was already sleeping.

Leila put his feet down and undressed him carefully. After that, she started taking photos of him. The moment that she had been waiting for had finally come. She'd given Sheryl a live show before, and here she was giving her an encore.

She planned to make it seem like they'd slept together. Leila knew how angry Sheryl would be if she thought that Charles had slept with her. These photos were what Leila needed to convince Sheryl of that. Even if Charles tried to deny or explain to Sheryl, she'd never believe him. Leila knew that Sheryl would never forgive Charles after this.

At Sheryl's home

Sheryl was playing with her kids when her phone buzzed. Someone had texted her.

She wasn't really planning on checking her phone, but Clark had insisted. "Mom, your phone buzzed. Go and check it!"

"It's fine. I can check it later," Sheryl said with a smile as she rubbed Clark's head.

"But what if it's an emergency?" Clark asked innocently.

Sheryl couldn't help but feel amused. She then burst into laughter. Shirley suddenly chimed in, "Mom, Clark's right. You should check your phone."

She had no choice but to check her phone since her kids were insisting. She raised her arms as if to admit defeat and said, "Okay, okay! I'm checking my phone!"

She grabbed her phone and glanced at the screen.

All she needed was one quick look. She was instantly startled. She felt as if her heart had skipped a beat, and a chill ran down her spine until she felt it throughout her entire body.

Looking at the photos felt like something was piercing through her heart. The second time she asked for a divorce, Charles didn't say anything, but she didn't think that it meant that Charles had moved on with Leila.

Even though she could see how much time they'd been spending together, she didn't want to believe it. But now that there were photos, she couldn't deny that Charles and Leila were already in a relationship.


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