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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1750

Jason had snuck out because he hadn't prepared to be discharged from the hospital. So, he had to go back secretly.

"Why can't you go back by yourself? Why do I have to be there? Besides, you look perfectly fine to me! You're healthy as a horse. Why are you still staying in the hospital? Wait, let me guess. You're blackmailing someone," Holley said, scowling.

Men like Jason always saw money as the most important thing in the world.

Black had beaten up Jason so badly that Rex had paid him a lot of money in compensation. Holley figured Jason didn't want to get discharged from the hospital yet because he was hoping to get more money from Rex. She thought about how shameless Jason was and how he really didn't have a limit. He'd do anything for money.

"Well, I can't deny that I love money. Don't you? Don't tell me that you're only with Black because you genuinely like him!"

Jason thought Holley was just the same. They both just wanted money. He couldn't see the difference between the two of them. To him, they were just one and the same.

"That's enough. What do you want? That's your problem, and I'm staying out of it." Holley then promptly pushed Jason away and grabbed the opportunity to run to her car.

She was so fast that he wasn't able to do anything else. He just watched as she disappeared.

Jason then went back to the hospital.

Meanwhile, at the bar, Black felt distressed. His issues with Holley caused him to turn to drink. He didn't stay long, though. After having a couple of drinks, he paid his bill, then stumbled out of the bar.

Black was so completely immersed in his thoughts about Holley that he accidentally bumped into a woman.

The woman yelped as she lifted her head to look at Black. "What's your problem? Did you do that on purpose?"

"I think he did. He must be interested in you. You're so lucky." Another woman rushed over and pulled Black's arm.

Black frequented the pub enough to know what these women wanted. If it were the old him, he'd take advantage of this and have fun with them. But he was different, and he wasn't really in the mood. Furrowing his eyebrows together, he pushed the woman away and said, "Go away!"

"What are you doing? Don't be so rude. You already bumped into me!" the woman said, feigning innocence.

"Go away!" Black yelled, not wanting to waste any more time on these women.

The women didn't push it any further. They quickly left and stopped bothering him.

After Black left the bar, he didn't go home yet. Instead, he went to another bar nearest to his house to get himself even drunker.

By the time he had gotten back home to the Hu house, he was already almost unconscious.

Rex got mad upon seeing Black like this. With one hand on his waist, he pointed to Black. "Look at yourself! You're embarrassing! How can you let anyone see you like this?"

This wasn't the first time that Black let himself get this drunk in front of his father. Rex couldn't control his temper anymore.

Black snapped out of his daze when Rex started scolding him. He narrowed his eyes, cracked a smile, and said, "Dad, why are you getting mad at me?"

"You little bastard, why can't you just forget that woman?" Rex asked as he sat down next to Black.


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