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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1751

Jason looked at Holley with a grin. Without warning, he began groping her, touching her lightly all over her body. He knew he had caught Holley off guard. When he realized this, he took advantage of her inability to respond. He held her tight and pressed his face against her neck.

"Darling, you smell so good," Jason said, his voice sharp with malice. Without delay, he took in Holley's scent and made a show of delight.

With Holley still frozen in fear and disgust, Jason took to touching her more aggressively. As his hands roamed her rigid body, it was clear that Holley was unwilling to participate. Not that Jason cared.

Now that Holley was locked in Jason's arms, she was unable to move. If they weren't in her building's lobby, she would have done something the minute Jason laid a hand on her.

At the moment, she had no choice but to deal with the situation calmly. She whispered to Jason, her voice an octave lower, "We are in public. Restrain yourself."

"What's wrong with hugging my woman? Even if I kiss you right here and right now, nobody would say anything."

Jason's words cut like a knife. Holley had tried to act tough, but now, she felt defeated. At the moment, Jason was still joking around, but unstable as he was, there was a real chance of him exploding all of a sudden. It was becoming increasingly difficult to act around him. He was a thoughtless, selfish pig who did whatever pleased him regardless of the consequences.

When Jason noticed how pale Holley had become, he couldn't help but grab her by the chin. He made her look him in the eyes. "Instead of pretending to be a little miss goody two shoes, and resisting all the fucking time, why don't you go ahead and call the boss? Why don't you beg for him to defend you?"

While this angered Holley, she refused to submit to his sarcastic provocation. She slapped his hand away and was rendered speechless by her own little act of rebellion. When she regained the ability to speak, she pointed an accusing finger at him.


Then, the reality of her situation dawned on her. Losing her composure wouldn't help, and words were just as powerless against Jason. She was up against a shameless man. They could fight in public now, but it would only damage her reputation. In the future, she wouldn't be able to stop him from violating her. Eventually, she would have to let him do what he wanted with her.

Things were about to escalate when a man passed by the lobby, prompting Jason to practice a little self-control. Holley remained locked in his arms the whole time. After the stranger had passed by them, Jason took his chance to threaten Holley.

"Holley, don't test me. I have been giving you so many chances. Next time, when I call, you better drop everything and answer the phone. Otherwise, I'm not sure what would happen to you. Moreover, remember that my boss deserted you. But here I am--your savior. I am willing to marry you, and you should be grateful. Don't be picky. If you refuse like a brat and you grow old and alone in the end, no one would want you. Then you'd think of me, but I won't be there. No one would be." He had a look of feigned concern on his face as he spoke.

For a moment, Holley couldn't respond.

Then, once she was able to regain control of her thoughts, she pushed Jason away and straightened her clothes with her hands. "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

"No, that's it. I just wanted to remind you of things. Don't forget to get the marriage certificate," Jason responded. He then walked away as though nothing had happened.

When both Holley and Jason had left the lobby, a thin man came out from hiding behind a big tree.

Under the tree's shadow, he checked the pictures he had taken on his camera. He had a self-satisfied look on his face as he browsed through his most recent photos. Who would have thought it was this easy?

The man hadn't expected to take such good, intimate photos and to finish the job so quickly. He looked around to check if anybody was watching him. Then, he began to make his way to Black's house.

In the Hu's residence, someone was about to receive some troubling news.

Rex was away on business. Only Black and the servants were in the gorgeous villa. Black could not hide his surprise when he realized that the private detective was back so soon.

"What's up? Were you able to take any pictures? Let's see them." Black anxiously asked as he welcomed the detective and gestured for him to take a seat.

The detective responded proudly, "Mr. Hu, I have taken the pictures that you wanted to see. Are you ready with the money?"

The detective, who was clearly motivated by money, mentioned payment the first chance he had. Black couldn't help but frown. People's lives were affected, and the detective he had hired could only think about money. This man's behavior had a strange effect on Black. The anxiety that had been clear on his face when he first saw the man on his property today had gone. In its place now was arrogance. Black leaned against the sofa and said almost lazily, "It depends. What kind of pictures did you take? Is it the kind I want?"

"It surely is. Please, have a look."

The private eye decided it was wiser to stop beating around the bush when he saw mild annoyance flash in Black's eyes. He took the pictures out in a hurry and laid them out on the coffee table.


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