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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1794

"All right. I'm going to bed now, and you should go to bed too. I don't think Charles is going to be sleeping anytime soon because he just texted me that he's still busy. So you don't have to worry about that,"

Melissa added when she saw Leila peering in Charles' direction.

"All right. Got it. Good night, aunt Melissa."

Leila smiled bashfully before she went back to her room.

Since Charles got home pretty late that night, he didn't check on Melissa again.

The following morning, he made sure to check on Melissa early.

He was surprised to find that the person who opened the door when he knocked wasn't Melissa—it was Leila.

Leila's face broke into a smile when she saw Charles. "We're having breakfast, Charles. What do you want to eat?"

"Anything." Charles face was stone cold.

Leila was already used to that, but she took it as a good sign that Charles was even willing to talk to her.

"Mom, how do you feel now? I'm sorry that I was busy yesterday." Charles walked over to Melissa and apologized to her.

Melissa shook her head and smiled as she could tell that Charles felt guilty. "Charles, why are you saying sorry? Why would I blame you for that? I'm fine. I spent the day with Leila. You don't have to worry about me."

Upon hearing that, Charles nodded his head. He then turned to Leila to flash her a grateful smile.

Leila silently smiled back. She figured Charles must have some things to talk about with Melissa, so she needed to give them some space.

"Charles, do you still have anything to do?" Melissa asked with a worried look.

Charles quickly answered, "Mom, don't worry. Everything's fine." He smiled at her to console her.

"Great!" Melissa exclaimed.

A waiter knocked at the door and told them that their food was ready. He asked if they would prefer to go down to the dining hall for breakfast.

Charles and Leila helped Melissa out of the room. The waiter couldn't help but notice the seemingly perfect family.

'They look like such a lovely family, ' he thought to himself.

Soon, they reached the dining hall.

While they were eating, Leila paid special attention to Melissa. She helped fill Melissa's bowl, and she even knew what her favorite dishes were!

It was as if Leila was Melissa's daughter, and Charles was her son-in-law.

"Charles, this is for you." While they were having their breakfast, Melissa suddenly put down her bowl and chopsticks. Then she took out something from her purse and gave it to Charles.

Charles glanced and saw that it was two invitation cards.

He had a puzzled look on his face.


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