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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1795

"I have forgotten," Isla said with a chuckle. She narrowed her eyes, raised her head, and flashed Sheryl a childish smile.

Sometimes, Sheryl admired her friend's ability to smile at any time. The smallest piece of good news could make Isla beam with joy. Although there were moments when she was easily angered, she often calmed down just as quickly. Sheryl attributed this to Isla's thoughtful and sensitive nature.

'If I were as open-minded as Isla, maybe things wouldn't have ended this way, ' Sheryl thought.

"Sher, what's wrong?" Isla noticed that Sheryl had become distracted and unnaturally quiet while she was talking. She raised a hand and waved it in front of Sheryl's face.

Her attempt worked like a charm. "Ah, nothing. I have to go through security now. You can go back to the office. I'll be fine. I'll be back in one or two days." Sheryl, now brought back to reality, noticed the worry on Isla's face. She patted her on the shoulder in a feeble attempt to comfort her.

"Well... If anything happens, don't forget to call me," Isla said as she shot Sheryl a meaningful gaze.

"What's going to happen to me? Stop worrying for no reason!" Sheryl assured her with a smile. She had no idea what Isla meant, and she thought no more of it.

Suddenly reminded of the plane's schedule, she smiled, waved Isla goodbye, and walked toward security.

When Isla finally thought of the proper response, Sheryl had already turned away and had gone through the metal detector. Isla had no other choice but to remain standing where she was and sigh.

She silently wished Sheryl a safe and happy trip.

As soon as Sheryl found her seat, she settled into it. Once she was comfortably seated, she reached into her handbag and fished out her earbuds. She placed one earbud snugly in each ear, played her choice of music, and closed her eyes. At that moment, the music seemed to be her only escape from the sad realities of her life.

Outside the airport, Aron was leaning against his car, patiently awaiting Isla's return. When he saw her walking out of the sliding doors, he felt inclined to call her attention. However, something was off. His wife looked upset and distracted. Aron was worried that there must have been some disagreement between her and Sheryl.

Isla approached without a word and, still dazed, got into the car. Aron sat in the driver's seat and looked at her. It seemed as though she had no intention of talking or even acknowledging him. He cleared his throat to try to get her attention—nothing.

It was as if Isla was lost in her own little world.

"Isla, are you okay?" Aron didn't hesitate to ask. This behavior was extremely unusual for his wife.

"Yes. I am. I'm just thinking—maybe I was wrong to do that." Isla frowned. She anxiously grabbed Aron's hand and finally looked him in the eyes.

Aron had never seen her this nervous. Seeing her like this made him even more worried than he had been earlier. Nevertheless, his face didn't betray his emotions. Instead, he held her hand and said warmly, "Isla, it's alright. Someday, Sheryl will understand that she has to face her own battles, too. When I disagreed with you yesterday, it wasn't because I thought you were wrong. I just thought she wasn't ready to face all this by herself yet..."

He knew what he had to do as a husband. Aron knew that his job was to comfort his wife in times of distress. Fortunately, it worked. Isla, now visibly, albeit only slightly, relieved, was nodding her head over and over. Although she was still feeling sad, she managed to flash him a sweet smile.

"Yes, you may be right. Let's get back to the office. I will contact Sheryl later." Isla forced a bigger smile and jokingly urged Aron to hurry up and drive.

In the five-star Malaysian hotel, Melissa had just finished her lunch.

She was planning to take an afternoon nap and was on her way to her hotel room when she ran into Charles. He was all dressed up and was about to go out.

"Didn't you go out with Leila? I thought you were out helping her purchase a formal dress?" Melissa had a confused look on her face. She glanced at Leila's room and looked back at Charles.

When Charles heard Leila's name, his nose wrinkled in irritation. He approached his mother and replied softly, "Mom, Leila is an adult. Does she really need my help with something as simple as buying clothes?"


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