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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1971

"Sheryl, you should try it. Let's go there together!" Nick echoed as he stole a glance at Isla. He usually wasn't one to talk, but he read what was on Isla's mind.

"Fine, fine! I can see that you've already planned all of this. Stop it. You're all acting weird, and I'm not used to it. Especially you, Nick. Okay, I'm going with you!" Sheryl nodded as she heaved a helpless sigh.

Gone was Isla's stern look as it was replaced with a smile upon hearing that Sheryl had agreed to come with them.

When they all got into the car and had decided on a route to take, they all took turns in cheering Sheryl up. Isla told Sheryl about the fun that she'd been having lately. Nick tried to tell Sheryl a couple of jokes that weren't really funny, to Sheryl at least. Everyone was pretty obvious that Sheryl tried her best to look happy. Sheryl thought inwardly, 'Everyone's trying their best to cheer me up. I think they worry too much, but I probably shouldn't be thinking about Charles anymore. The effort they're all going through just to make me happy. I shouldn't be wasting my time on that man anymore.'

Sheryl pretended she couldn't see right through their plan by responding to them in a cheerful way.

They were going to an exclusive spring called Spa Town. The drive was about an hour and a half. As soon as the car pulled over, they all got out and stretched their arms and legs from the long drive. Sheryl didn't know this place—as far as she remembered, she'd never been here before. Still, the spa looked nice as Sheryl thought it had quite a unique architectural style. She sighed to herself, 'I'm guessing this was Isla's idea. She knows me so well. This place is so beautiful.'

"Cassie, did you really find this place on your own? How did you find it? It's so...nice," Sheryl said tentatively.

"No, it wasn't me. I didn't find it," Cassie said with a smile. Upon hearing this, Sheryl turned to Isla.

"It was Nick's idea. He had recommended this place to me, and I thought it was a good idea,"

Cassie said and she seemed to be in good spirits. Sheryl was a bit surprised. She didn't expect that of Nick. She thought it was Isla.

"Well, Nick, I didn't expect that of you. You have really good taste!" Isla bantered. She was just as surprised as Sheryl was.

Nick grew bashful under the three ladies' scrutiny. Then they all burst into a jolly laughter.

After a while, they decided to finally head inside.

Sheryl loved the decorations. The atmosphere was relaxing inside, and Sheryl was glad that she came. It seemed as if all her problems flew away the minute she walked inside.

They quickly entered the changing room to get changed, ready to enjoy a wonderful spa treatment.

Nick and Cassie already headed to the spa while Isla and Sheryl decided to explore the place for its decorations.

They had a great day at the spa. By the end of the day, they all felt reenergized and relaxed.

"Okay, guys, thanks for your company. I feel much better now. You shouldn't worry about me anymore." Sheryl was beaming. She was very grateful for the day, and the people she had spent it with. She assured them that they didn't have anything to worry about.

Isla was left dumbfounded. It was her idea to take Sheryl on a quick getaway. She hoped that Sheryl would be able to relax on this trip; however, it seemed as if Sheryl saw right through it. Isla couldn't help but worry that her plan didn't work.

After a pause, Isla then quickly gathered herself. She awkwardly smiled at Sheryl as she said, feigning innocence, "What are you talking about? I just thought a quick getaway would be nice. We're just here to relax. We're not worried about you or anything. We're here to have fun and clear our minds, right?"

"You don't have to deny it, you know. How could I not see through this, Isla? Anyway, you shouldn't worry about me. I'm fine. I'm not going to let myself sink into depression. I still have people I care about and love. Do you really think I'm going to do something stupid when I have Shirley and Clark? So stop worrying about me!" As Sheryl spoke, she looked Isla in the eye. She needed to be sure she was making herself clear. She was strong enough to move on.

Nick and Cassie were seemingly convinced by Sheryl. They then nodded their heads and bid each other goodbye. They each hugged Sheryl before leaving.

At a hidden corner near where Sheryl lived, a familiar car was parked along the road.

It was Charles' car.

Earlier that day, Charles had gone to Cloud Advertising Company, but he was told that Sheryl wasn't there. He then decided to just wait for Sheryl outside her house.

Charles was torn. He didn't know what to do, as all he wanted was to see her and talk to her. When he'd seen Joan and the two kids at the stairway before, he almost impulsively got out of the car to confront them. If David wasn't there, he didn't know what he would have done.


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