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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2025

In the Dream Garden

After Charles left, Melissa and Nancy busied themselves with the preparation of presents for the children.

It took them about two hours before they were satisfied. They weren't taking chances. After all, the happiness of two children depended on it.

Melissa fiddled with the wrapping even after all they were done, smoothing out non-existent creases and arranging the bows to perfection. Nancy picked up on her hesitation. "Don't worry, Mrs. Lu," she assured her. "They will like the presents. I am sure that the kids will be happy with these."

Melissa nodded and gave her a small smile. Nancy was right. They had done all they could. Surely these were guaranteed to put a smile on the children's faces.

"All right. I'll be going now."

She bid Nancy goodbye and headed straight to Sheryl's apartment. Her chest was pounding with anticipation. She couldn't wait to see the two kids and their expressions when they saw what she had for them.

It was a weekend, and there was no hurry. She had taken her time packing things that she thought might be useful for today.

Sheryl's home was less than an hour's drive from the Dream Garden. But it took her two hours to arrive at Sheryl's home today.

Her car arrived at the same time Sheryl was taking her kids downstairs. The children were visibly delighted. Today was a good day. They were going to an amusement park.

Melissa met them at the door. "Sher..." she greeted her warmly. Sheryl was surprised at her sudden arrival. The driver was standing beside Melissa, his hands full with presents.

She had not expected her visit. She was flustered, but she held it in, not wanting to embarrass Melissa. Giving her a bright smile, she asked, "Aunt Melissa, what brings you here?"

"I missed you and the two children," Melissa replied. She had an inkling of what the situation was, but she kept calm.

"You brought so many presents! Thank you very much," Sheryl beamed. Melissa and the driver's arms were full of gifts. She felt a little moved at Melissa's thoughtful gesture.

She turned to her children and said, "Clark, Shirley, let's help grandmother carry presents. And remember what you have to say to her."

The children's eyes were wide with delight at the sight of the mountain of gifts. "All right, Mom. Thank you, Grandma,"

they said together.

Melissa felt her chest warm with the joy in their faces. It was contagious. Before she knew it, she found herself returning their smiles.

Sheryl had meant to go to the amusement park with the kids, but now that Melissa arrived, she was starting to consider changing for a third option.

Clark was visibly thrilled by his grandmother's presents. "Grandmother, I like the presents so much!" he said.

"Anything for you! Come on. Would you like to open them together?" The children squealed with delight. Melissa bent down to open the gifts with them.

Meanwhile, Sheryl stood quietly beside them and watched the joyful scene unfolding in front of her. All of a sudden, her smile vanished as thoughts of Charles fluttered through her mind.

She shook off the unwanted thoughts and turned to her children once again, taking in their smiling faces. "Do you still want to go to the amusement park?" she asked.

Clark's head shot up quickly at the question, and Sheryl barely managed to hold in a chuckle.

"Of course!" he said eagerly.

Sheryl couldn't help laughing out loud at Clark's enthusiasm.

"Alright. Let's go!" Sheryl said, taking the children's hands.

Melissa stood up and asked hesitantly, "Could I go to the amusement park with you?" She wasn't sure if Sheryl would agree, but she thought it was better for her to ask anyway. After all, she had already come all the way here.

Sheryl understood Melissa's desire to spend time with her grandkids, but ultimately, it was still up to the children. Turning to them, she asked, "What do you guys think? Do you want to go to the amusement park with your grandmother?"

"Sure!" Melissa's efforts had not been in vain. The children were gradually warming up to her, despite their troubled past. They were still unaware of what had happened between their parents, but Melissa had been especially kind to them lately. In their innocence, it was as if they had forgotten the bad things of the past and welcomed Melissa's presence.

With the approval of her children, Sheryl said nothing more and just nodded.

Melissa was elated that the children agreed. She took children's hands and led them to the car. She bent down to them, talking about anything and everything.

As they got out of the apartment, Sheryl's phone rang with a call from Phoebe.

"Aunt Melissa, you can go ahead to the car. I have to take this call," she told the older woman. Melissa nodded and proceeded with the children while Sheryl answered her phone.


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