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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2026

With a ferocious, almost animalistic look in his eyes, the man in the black suit waved an angry finger at Sheryl and Isla. He was like a bull, ready to ram them over.

"Get out of my sight!"

Isla yelled, hands shaking. All she could see was red. If Sheryl hadn't been beside her, she would've already gone over and beaten the guy up.

Phoebe was the one who took over the situation, walking over to the man to ask him to leave. With a threat to call security, he had no other choice but to follow her.

The suited man left, to everyone's relief, and Sheryl turned to Isla. If looks could kill, Isla would've been ten feet under the ground.

Isla avoided her gaze, feeling deflated by the whole incident. Forced to get her act together, she turned to Phoebe. "They made the first move, okay? I was calm at first, but he said some things, and I just lost my temper." She jerked her head. "If you don't believe me, then ask Phoebe."

Sheryl had already advised Isla once to remain calm whenever she had encountered situations like these. However, the man had gone a step too far, and if Sheryl hadn't stopped her, she would've crawled over the counter and given the guy a piece of her mind.

"Tell me what he said then," Sheryl demanded, confused by the entire event. Isla collapsed back into the couch, a hand rubbing her forehead.

"You tell her for me," Isla said to Phoebe, irritated.

"Ms. Xia, I don't think I can." Phoebe hesitated. She had heard those words, but to say them right in front of Sheryl...It wasn't something she was prepared for. Phoebe cringed at the thought.

"Just tell me!" Sheryl curled her lips, staring her down.

One look at both their faces, Phoebe's shoulders drooped, and she had no choice but to give the facts.

"Ms. Xia...It was about you. When the representatives of the Success Company arrived, they started talking about you and the services that our company has given them," she hesitated. "They may have also brought up the relationship between you and Mr. Lu." Phoebe avoided her gaze, suddenly taking an interest in their carpeted floor. She said everything at such a slow pace, checking every word she had said.

"Phoebe's not saying it right," Isla interjected. She finally stood. "They said that you and Charles have already gotten divorced, and that meant this company's future was now close to nonexistent. They were asses enough to actually tell me that they only chose our company for old times' sake. I went too far, but if you'd heard them, you'd understand where I'm coming from."

After hearing her words, Sheryl felt like the weight on her shoulders had gotten heavier, with every word feeling like a knife to her gut. Though a part of her wanted to deny it, she knew what they were saying was–to some extent–true.

But they still had absolutely no right to go that far in insulting the Cloud Advertising Company.

"Those assholes even suggested that if you're willing to marry that asshat that spoke, you might even have a chance to save yourself," Isla growled out. "As if! I'd pull his hair out before he'd even stand a chance." There was rage dripping from her every word.

"That's enough, Isla. You don't have to be affected by their words," Sheryl said seriously. "Don't you know the relationship between Charles and me?" Though Sheryl was aware that Isla was only telling the truth for her own good, this wasn't something to be angry over. These were simply trivial matters, not worth lulling their time over.

"If someone walks up here and begins insulting me in front of you, would you take it? It's not as easy as you think it is, Sher!" Isla sat opposite her friend, crossing her legs.

Phoebe took that as a sign to leave the room, not wanting to be in the middle of their argument.

Sheryl paused, giving a resigned sigh. "The Success Company is not a major prospect anyway," she then conceded. "It makes no difference for us to partner with them any longer."

"I know that. Why do you think I bothered offending him?" Isla explained.

"Fine, I'll let you off, but there shouldn't be a next time. There's really no need to stoop to their level, Isla." Sheryl slowly talked her back to her senses.

"Fine, fine." Isla leaned back in her seat. The weight was lifted off her shoulders. "But you have to promise not to take what they just said to heart, okay?"


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