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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2033

'Something is different with him lately, ' Don mused as he watched Damian from the corner of his eye. He had been acting strange—brooding for a long time alone and being absent. If Don didn't know any better, he would almost say he was moping around, but that was wrong. Damian never moped.

'Could it be…He's in love?' Don wondered to himself. Whatever was the matter, only one thing was for sure: Damian was not himself these days.

On the other hand, Damian was well aware of what his subordinate was thinking. Don had tried to be subtle, but it wasn't exactly easy to ignore him when he kept watching with a curious look written all over his face. After some time, Damian could no longer bear the scrutiny. Standing up, he swept across the room and announced, "I'm going out for a couple of days. Take care of this place while I'm away."

Don gaped at him. "You're going out? Are you serious?" he asked.

He almost couldn't believe his ears. Damian had never, NEVER, left the studio, unless he absolutely needed to. It was like an added organ or a limb to him— his life was attached to the place. Even when he was ill with a high fever, he had refused to go out. But here he was now, saying that he was going out so nonchalantly.

Seeing the surprise on Don's face, Damian didn't bother explaining. He valued his privacy, and he didn't feel the need to share it with anyone. Instead, he gave Don instructions, "I'm going back to China. I might be staying for a while. Please continue to work here as before while I'm away. Your wages will also be the same. Don't slack off. I would know if this place was being neglected."

Knowing that his questions would be left unanswered, Don simply nodded in response. Damian was all business as usual, which was also why he had no worries about his own salary. Damian was a billionaire, after all, and even a year's worth of his payroll would probably be like some loose change to him.

On second thought, managing the studio himself would be a difficult task. Damian did not like to keep a lot of people around, and it was usually just the two of them, and now that he was leaving, he was going to be left alone. However, Don knew that his boss trusted him, and he didn't want to let him down. Damian had been absent-minded for the past days. Maybe a break was what he needed. Hopefully, whatever was bothering him would be resolved by the time he came back.

"Don't worry, Damian. I'll come here every day and take care of everything. You can trust me. I'll see to it that nothing will change," Don assured him.

"Thank you, Don. I'm counting on you." Damian nodded. He took a padded Kraft bag from the drawer and handed it to Don with an encouraging smile.

"This is a whole year's salary, plus an extra two months. Take it," he said.

Don gaped at him for the second time that day. He brought his hands forward and waved them in refusal. "Oh, no! I couldn't possibly...you don't have to, Damian!" he protested.

Damian only smiled patiently. "Just take it already. I know that your family is having trouble with money. I've actually already thought of paying you in advance, but I was afraid it would hurt your feelings, so I was just waiting for you to ask me. Now that I'm leaving, this would be the perfect time for both of us," he explained, and his eyes were sincere.

Tears welled up in Don's eyes as Damian gently pushed the bag into his hands. He was overwhelmed by Damian's consideration. Meeting such a boss was truly a fortunate chance. Don silently thanked his lucky stars and thought that he must have done a lot of good things in his past life.

"Thank you very much. Please enjoy your trip. I'll work hard and do my best!" Don said with a resolute expression on his face as he still fought back his tears of gratitude.

Damian let out a loud laugh and gave him a pat on the shoulders. "I know you will. You can go back to your work now."

Don bowed respectfully before leaving the office. Left alone, Damian took a deep breath and glanced around the room. He had already taken care of all the urgent business here, so there was nothing to worry about. Looking into his desk, he went over some documents to give them a final once-over.

On the other side of the globe, a pub was ablaze with lights.

It was like a different realm, suspended from the humdrum existence of the world outside.

And it was exactly that–a momentary suspension. Some people came here to drink, forget, and get away from the dreariness of reality. While others stumbled their way inside; lost and unable to find their way as their pain and uncertainty found homes in amber bottles.

The music was deafening as if giving the patrons the perfect excuse to let loose. Bodies ground and brushed against each other, losing the rhythm of their steps until they found it again. For a moment, there was nothing but sounds, lights, and liquor.

A dozen meters away, Isla was sitting in her office buried in work, a stark contrast from all the patrons dancing wildly in the pub. The blaring music had penetrated the walls and reached her ears at a muted volume, but she barely heard it over the noise of her own thoughts.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" She was yanked away from her musings by loud knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Isla said loudly, thinking that the music from outside might overpower her voice.

"Ms. Zhao, I'm sorry. We've got nothing. It feels as if it's gone nowhere," Ronald reported apologetically as he came in and approached Isla with an anxious expression.

Isla's eyebrows furrowed at his words. Ronald was one of her best hands, and he was well-known for his quick wit. If even he was unable to figure it out, how much more difficult would it be for others?


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