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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2034

"Good night? But I still wanted to talk to you. Please don't leave me alone."

In Australia, all Damian did was to stare at the phone.

After he'd sent his message, he hadn't taken his eyes off the phone afraid to miss Sheryl's response.

He'd been waiting for more than ten minutes, and his eyes were already tired. Still, no message from her.

Damian was upset. He figured Sheryl had thought that he was just joking. She'd already probably received his message, but she had just shrugged it off, thinking it was a joke. That's probably why she hadn't replied.

But he didn't want to give up. Even if he knew Sheryl didn't feel the same way about him, he still didn't want to give up.

He needed to talk to Sheryl in person.

Damian smiled. It was too late. Sher must have already gone to bed. If he sent another message, Sheryl might get annoyed.

After all, he'd already prepared. He was going to see the woman he loved in a few days.

Upon realizing this, Damian decided he wouldn't be bothered anymore. He didn't want to disturb Sher. He remained frozen for a while as he held his phone.

All of a sudden, he smiled brightly. Just the mere thought of Sheryl was enough to make him happy.

"Sheryl, I won't let you go this time." After he said that, he closed his eyes slowly.

The following day

Sheryl wasn't able to drive the kids to school since she woke up late. She felt ashamed when she saw that it was Joan who'd prepared to drop the kids off at school.

"Mom, we're leaving. Please take good care of yourself. See you tonight." Clark turned back and smiled at Sheryl.

"Goodbye, mom!" Shirley also waved her hands to say goodbye.

Sheryl's nerves were eased as she beamed at her children.

"Okay, see you later."

Sheryl had breakfast alone after the kids had left for school.

She thought it must be boring to also have dinner alone, so she found herself wishing someone would join her for dinner.

Charles, in particular, but she knew that was impossible.

Sheryl knew that no matter how much you loved someone, you could move on, especially if you found out that he never really loved you in the first place.

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Sheryl sat back on her chair. She looked upset.

She wasn't resting well these days, and she was nursing a headache.

Even if she wasn't feeling her best, she knew she needed to work.

Sheryl was immersed in her work when all of a sudden, someone shouted from outside. She frowned, and then she asked aloud what was happening, but no one answered her. She called for her secretary, but there was no answer. For some reason, she knew something was up.

Sheryl didn't know what had happened. She just felt nervous. Afraid that something was going on, she went out of her office.

The office was deserted. She kept looking around, but she found that she was completely alone. She couldn't believe her eyes. Suddenly, she heard noises from outside. She walked towards the window of the office.


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