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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2059

Sheryl did not want to say another word to Isla. She simply rolled her eyes at Isla out of sheer disgust, patted her on the arm, and said, "Isla, do you even know what you look like right now?"

"No. You tell me. What do I look like?" Isla said candidly, expecting a flattering compliment from Sheryl. Without having much idea about Sheryl's state of mind, she turned to look at Sheryl excitedly.

"You look like a bitch!" Sheryl said, narrowing her eyes. And the very next moment, Sheryl was running with all her might to avoid being hit by Isla. After all, she had firsthand knowledge about the strength and power of Isla's manly hand.

By the time Isla came around, Sheryl was out of her reach as well as her sight, leaving Isla in the wind all by herself.

But Isla was not someone to be messed with, and she instantly went into a sprint towards Sheryl's office.

As soon as Isla reached Sheryl's office, she kicked the door open and barged in. Seeing Isla charging aggressively like a rhino, Sheryl held up her arms as a gesture of surrender and said, "I am sorry."

Marking the sincerity in Sheryl's voice, Isla let go off her intimidating stance. Yet she seemed to be contemplating something and remained silent for quite some time, which made Sheryl feel somewhat awkward and uneasy. After a long moment of silence, Isla finally spoke, saying, "I will give you one chance to make up for your mistake."

"Great! Please tell me! I will oblige you promptly! I promise!" Sheryl grabbed the opportunity to cease-fire this dispute without further delay. As much as she knew her best friend; Isla was not the kind to let go so easily. Hence, when she offered an alternative, Sheryl jumped at it.

"Okay. Just tell me what is going on between you and Damian? Is there anything between the two of you?" Initially, Isla did not want to rush into this topic in this manner. She wanted to make her way into Sheryl's mind through a series of penetrating questions. Yet to her surprise, when Sheryl caved in at this moment, even Isla found it difficult to let go of this opportunity to get the answer of the question that had bugged her for quite some time now.

Sheryl was left aghast. She did not see this coming at all. She immediately knew that she had been too smart for her own good. However, now that it had come to this, she had no choice but to explain it to Isla.

"Yesterday, after Damian dropped me at home, he immediately left for his hotel without much dillydallying. I am telling you that nothing has happened between the two of us." Sheryl looked at Isla with much frustration while cursing her at the bottom of the heart for acting like a professional paparazzi from some small tabloid.

"Is that so?" Isla gazed at Sheryl with great disbelief in her eyes.

Sheryl gave her a shrug, indicating that there was no way that Isla could make her talk more about this.

"Do you not like him?" Isla pressed on with another question now that the cat was out of the bag. She firmly believed that there was more to it.

"I believe that you already know my answer to this question." Sheryl had now reached the zenith of her patience in discussing this topic with Isla. There have been countless occasions when Isla had asked this question of Sheryl. Yet Sheryl's answer has been the same every time. At the bottom of her heart, she did not like Damian. She was being nice to him only because she considered him as one of her friends.

"Why not Sher? I think Damian is genuinely in love with you. Don't you think that he deserves a chance?" Isla looked at Sheryl seriously in the hope that she would reconsider her attitude towards Damian. In Isla's opinion, it was high time for Sheryl to move on from Charles.

Sheryl shook her head without any hesitation, "There is no chance for that, Isla. And you know that."

"But why? Is it because you still have feelings for Charles? I genuinely think that you should move on now. This is for your own good!" Isla looked frustrated as she reasoned it out with Sheryl. How come this woman simply could not bring herself to get over her marriage, even after it is legally over?

The air between the two friends was getting charged up with every passing moment. Sheryl found herself caught in a fix where she could neither take Isla's probing anymore nor could she ask her to stop. At that moment, someone knocked on the door to Sheryl's office.

"Come in." Just a moment later, the door opened, and Phoebe came in. Sheryl heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Phoebe as a savior. So, without any hesitation, Sheryl let her in so that she could get out of this uncomfortable conversation.

As soon as Phoebe came in, Sheryl asked her, "Hi Phoebe, is it about the meeting that I need to attend?"

"What..." Phoebe sensed that the air in this room was a little tensed. Sheryl's face was unusually stern at the moment. Phoebe applied her presence of mind and responded, "Yes, madam. There is a meeting for you in about thirty minutes."

"Fine. Go get the conference room ready. I will be there shortly." After sending Phoebe out, Sheryl shrugged at Isla in frustration. "Apparently there is a meeting that I need to attend now. Maybe we should talk later?"

Isla fixed her eyes on Sheryl as she had a very strong intuition that Sheryl was lying. The way Phoebe had barged in and notified her about the meeting seemed to be unconvincing. However, she decided to let Sheryl off the hook. "Fine. Let's do this some other time then."

Sheryl could not help but let out a breath of relief as she could finally escape Isla's probing questions.

"But I am telling you that I do not agree with you regarding this issue. We will discuss this further after the meeting!" saying that, Isla walked straight out of Sheryl's office without giving Sheryl a chance for a rebuttal.


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