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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2060

"Okay, thank you! I'll see you later." Sheryl nodded and walked inside the building without looking back at Damian.

Therefore, she was oblivious to the hurtful expression on Damian's face.

Damian's eyes followed Sheryl as he watched her walk away. He couldn't move. He was standing still, and his eyes fixed on the spot where Sheryl had been standing a moment ago. He was frustrated when the emptiness took over in him. He stood there long enough to gather himself, and, finally, he got back into his car and drove away.

Sheryl was mentally and physically exhausted. She wanted to curl up on her bed, forget everything, and drift into a peaceful sleep. It was only wishful thinking. Isla arrived at Sheryl's apartment shortly after she got back home.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have other things to do?" Sheryl complained. Isla was leaning against the door, looking annoyed, as if she was about to swallow Sheryl in one gulp.

"Are you kidding me? Why are you avoiding me? I'm your best friend, Sheryl." Isla was gasping for breath

The elevator of Sheryl's building had broken down. Isla had no other option, but to take the stairs, all the way up, to Sheryl's apartment. She couldn't remember the last time she had worked out, and the tiring ascend to Sheryl's apartment had taken a toll on her body.

"Okay, calm down. "Have you come here directly from the office? Why didn't you go home? I can't believe it," Sheryl said in disbelief as she ushered Isla inside the apartment.

She led Isla to the couch and got her a glass of water. Isla was wheezing before she finally calmed down. Isla sipped on the water and looked at Sheryl, her eyes matching with the intensity of her tone. "Tell me the truth, Sheryl. What's on your mind? Are you determined to wait for Charles to come back?"

"I've told you a million times that the relationship between me and Charles is over. You've seen it with your own eyes, Isla," said Sheryl, honesty shining in her eyes. "It hasn't worked out despite putting in our best efforts. I don't think we can start it all over again. But that doesn't mean I'm ready for a new relationship. Please, don't set me up with Damian. Don't push me, Isla," Sheryl pleaded, hoping that Isla would drop the matter for good. She didn't want her to go on a boy-finding spree.

Sheryl had not even once thought that Isla was pushing her limits by interfering in her personal affairs. But the more Isla pushed her, by forcing her to get into a relationship with Damian, the more Sheryl grew suspicious. She sometimes wondered if Isla owed Damian something. Otherwise, why would her best friend force her into a relationship, despite her reluctance, and go out of her way to help him?

"You should move on, Sheryl. Damian is a nice guy, and you need to give him a chance." Isla understood how Sheryl was feeling, but she couldn't take seeing her friend like this. Isla felt that it was her duty to make her friend happy. Sheryl didn't believe that having a man could make her happy. She wanted to live her life, the way she liked, irrespective of a partner.

"I know that you care about me and want me to be happy. But I want you to understand that I cannot get into a relationship with a man that I'm not interested in." Sheryl had made up her mind and had no intention of changing it.

Isla looked at Sheryl for a while and nodded her head. She respected her friend's decision and wouldn't impel her in a direction that she wasn't ready to take. But deep in her heart, she felt that Damian was a better guy for Sheryl–definitely better than Charles. So, she requested Sheryl to think about it and not make a hasty decision.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind, I promise. I'll think about it when I'm ready," Sheryl nodded reassuringly to make Isla feel better.

Isla sighed in contentment. She leaned back on the sofa, taking a sip of water. She studied the place and cast an upward glance. "It will take a while before Clark and Shirley come back, right?"

"Yeah, Joan will pick them up. Why, what's up?" Sheryl knew that Isla had come up with a plan.

"How about we go shopping now? Let's go!" Isla stood up, grinning happily. She grabbed Sheryl's arm and dragged her out of the door without waiting for an answer.

Sheryl groaned but was left with no choice. She knew that Isla wouldn't shut up about it if she didn't agree to it.

Vicky's head was burning in frustration. She felt that she was being pricked by a thousand thorns at the same time.

She hadn't stopped calling Charles, but he had refused to answer her calls. Even when he did, he had hung up on her, saying that he was busy.

After trying for the hundredth time, Vicky finally gave up. Her frustration escalated to another level. She stared at the blank screen of the phone for a while and threw it on the floor.

The sound of the phone hitting the ground, urged Stella to walk out of the kitchen. She stopped for a second on seeing Vicky's red face and angry shaking. She slowly stepped forward and asked, "Please calm down, Miss Ruan. What's the matter?"

"Oh, cut the bullshit Stella. Stop pretending like you care about me. I don't have to wear a big smile for you," Vicky spat. Since Charles wasn't around, Vicky hadn't bothered to conceal her true self.

"You seem frustrated, Miss Ruan. If you don't need my assistance, I'll go back to preparing lunch. If there's anything I can do, please let me know." Stella smiled politely Stella didn't care about Vicky, and her words meant nothing to her. She was Charles' spy, so she'd always keep an eye on her. But Vicky's happiness or unhappiness didn't matter to her.

After Stella had gone, Vicky lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling, immersed in her thoughts. Things were taking a wrong turn and weren't happening according to her plan. Charles was moving further away from her, with every passing day. If she didn't do something to get him back, he'd forget her completely.

She remained still until a smile crept on the corner of her lips. She sprang up from the couch, reached for her phone, and dialed a number, as the slow, wicked smile spread all over her face, but didn't reach her eyes.


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