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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2071

Damian hesitated before reaching out to wrap Sheryl's hand around his own. The moment their skins touched, he felt a jolt run through his system, and he was almost tempted to pull it back up. He turned away, feeling his cheeks redden.

Recovering from the moment, Damian relaxed. However, he still refused to look her in the eye.

Suddenly, Sheryl's body started to shake, eyelids trembling in front of him.

At that moment, Sheryl was just having a dream. It was Damian, and he was apologizing to her. At first, she felt a rush of anger running through her veins, but one look at his face, and she felt her body relax. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't be mad at him.

'Why would Damian do that to me? How could he?' she yelled at him in her dream. She screamed, her arms wriggling in the air, but he still remained as motionless as a log. From the anxiety, Sheryl immediately broke into a cold sweat, sitting up.

To her surprise, Damian was sitting beside her, as motionless as the one she had seen in the dream.

"Why are you here?" Sheryl asked icily.

"Sher, I'm sorry." He took one glance at her and then turned away. He just couldn't bring himself to look at her, not right now, not like this.

Sheryl was innocent, clean as an angel. And he had to be the ass who had to ruin it. At that point, Damian would pay a hundred dollars for someone to hit him. If Sheryl chose to not talk to him anymore, it was probably right of her to do so.

"Why did you..."

Before Sheryl could finish her question, the door was flung open.

While they were caught totally off guard, a crowd of paparazzi pooled around them. Flashes of light hallowed the room as the sounds of their clicks filled the air. Right at the moment, Sheryl shielded her face with her hands, turning away from them.

Damian staggered up, standing in between the crowd and Sheryl. He raised both his arms to block them from getting any closer. However, that didn't stop the crowd from flinging in questions.

"Are you already in a relationship?" one asked.

"Ms. Xia, why are you in hospital?" another one continued.

"Mr. Li, what's your opinion regarding the gossip online?"

All of them continuously yelled out their questions, moving towards them like hyenas approaching their prey.

No answer came out of the two.

Sheryl stayed where she was, lips sealed. She continued to turn away, making sure that her face wouldn't be seen on any camera. Damian, however, was too busy expressing his frustrations at them to care.

"Get out, all of you!" he shouted, pushing the others away from him.

'This is a hospital. Have they no respect for privacy anymore?' he thought angrily.

Someone must've set this up, and from the looks of things, it was all going according to plan. Things were already out of control. Reporters ignored his requests and started pushing in, wanting a good picture of Sheryl, regardless of what they were feeling.

As they were moving closer, Sheryl found that it was hard to breathe. She placed a hand in her chest, ignoring their aggressive behavior and intrusive questions. She just wanted them gone. Her vision started to blur.

One reporter crossed the line. He approached Sheryl closely, moving out of Damian's reach before taking a shot at her pale face. Sheryl yelped, and Damian felt his temper flare up. He moved to stop them, however, the room was already too crowded. As he maneuvered his way near them, someone shoved him.

Damian stumbled from the force, his legs failing him. He found himself flopping back on the bed, right on top of Sheryl.

Their gestures were intimate, that was for sure. With Damian's spread out arms as if he was hugging her and Sheryl leaning forward towards him. Though everyone knew that this wasn't supposed to happen, the reporters started to pool in, taking more photos of them. Everyone would love a good scandal.

They were completely surrounded now, and, at that moment, it was hard for them to get up.

Just in time, Nick arrived. When he opened the door, he was stunned by the flashing lights and loud noises. He was dazed for a moment before dialing Charles' number immediately.


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