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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2074

After Isla left, the smile on Sheryl's face disappeared.

Isla was right. She had to address what happened to her. She had taken off her clothes in front of Damian, and there were photos of her! She felt ashamed of herself and upset when she read the news about her online. She just didn't expect all of these things would happen to her. Whenever she thought about this, she couldn't calm herself down.

However, she didn't want anyone to see her like this as she didn't want them to worry about her.

Outside the hospital

Damian still hadn't left. He was still in his car, thinking about Sheryl. He was thinking of going back to Sheryl's room, apologizing, and explaining. However, he was afraid that he'd end up hurting her again.

At that moment, Damian's phone rang. It was Duke. Damian picked up the phone and asked, "Have you found anything yet?"

"Wait. Are you aware that everyone's talking about you and Sheryl? It's all over the press." Duke was so worried. He hadn't been able to deal with the previous reports yet, and things were only getting worse with this recent issue.

Damian knew this too.

Damian didn't say anything to Duke. Duke asked in a panic, "What are you going to do then?"

"I'll figure it out. In the meantime, do what I asked you to do before." Damian was also confused. He was barely listening to Duke as he didn't want to explain what had happened at the hospital earlier.

Duke could tell that Damian was upset, and he couldn't force him. He only said something about the investigation before hanging up.

After that, Damian kept silent in the car. His mind was still racing. If he hadn't gone to the hospital, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. If he'd known that something would happen, he never would have come in the first place.

For a while, Damian just stayed in the car, deep in thought.

In the Dream Garden

When Charles went home, he was in a bad mood. He saw that Melissa and Nancy were in the kitchen, but he didn't say anything; instead, he just went upstairs.

In the kitchen, Melissa watched as Charles headed upstairs. Then she turned to Nancy and said, "Please prepare Charles' favorite food. I think he's in a bad mood."

"Yes, Mrs. Lu." Nancy could tell how worried Melissa and Charles were about Sheryl. The only help she could offer was to cook them some good food.

When Nancy had finished cooking, she went upstairs to give Charles his food.

In his study, Charles was just staring at a photo of Sheryl. He was upset and guilty. He'd done so many wrong things that had hurt Sheryl.

"Bang! Bang..."

Charles gathered himself then he said, "Come in."

"Mr. Lu, would you like to eat something?" Nancy said as she put the dish on Charles' desk.

Charles saw that it was his favorite food; however, he wasn't in the mood to eat.


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