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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2073

Isla couldn't figure it out. She didn't have the time to think it over, either, so she just headed straight to the hospital.

Phoebe was very worried about Sheryl, too, so she came along with Isla to the hospital.

When they were on their way to the parking lot, Phoebe saw that Isla was going to drive the car, and she promptly stopped.

"I'm driving, okay?" Isla said in a worried tone.

"Okay, okay."

Isla didn't know how Sheryl was, but all she knew was that she needed to be there as her best friend right now.

In the hospital room

Sheryl was sleeping as she was tired from everything that had happened.

Even when Charles went inside the room, Sheryl was still sleeping.

He walked carefully toward Sheryl because he was afraid that he would wake her up.

Charles sat beside Sheryl, staring at her. He didn't hesitate to hold Sheryl's hand, but he made sure he was gentle.

"No, no, get away, get away..." Sheryl said, half asleep.

"Relax. Don't worry. It's just me. I'm here, I'm here. I'll protect you." Charles rubbed Sheryl's hands gently, trying to comfort her.

Maybe because of Charles' voice, but Sheryl relaxed. She didn't seem to be in such a bad mood now, and she was holding Charles' hands.

Charles was relieved. He gradually smiled upon noticing that Sheryl was still relying on him.

After a while, Sheryl muttered, "Charles, don't leave me."

When Charles heard this, he felt something was stabbing into his already aching heart.

"Sher, sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Please forgive me," Charles responded, sobbing.

Charles was normally an aloof person. However, when it came to Sheryl, he couldn't control himself. It was always different with her.

He stared at Sheryl for a while before leaving to let Sheryl sleep soundly.

At the door, Charles told Nick to watch Sheryl carefully before leaving again to go back to work.

Nick walked with Charles to the gate of the hospital.

Then, he met Isla in the elevator on the way to Sheryl's ward.

"Nick, what's wrong with Sheryl?"

Isla asked because she knew Nick was probably at the hospital for Sheryl.

Nick understood that Isla was very concerned about Sheryl. Then he said, "It's okay now. Isla, don't worry. Take it easy."

Isla figured she was just overreacting, so she took a deep breath to relax. Then she asked Nick to tell her the whole story.

Nick obliged. He told Isla everything, not leaving a single detail out.

"Damn it. What was Damian doing here? He probably had something to do with the reporters. I bet he was there to do something to Sheryl." Even if Isla was angry, her words made sense.

Both Nick and Phoebe agreed with what Isla said.

They didn't know Damian that well, so Isla was right to be suspicious of him.

"All right. Let's go see Sher. I won't be able to relax until I see her," Isla said as she walked to the elevator.

Soon, they arrived at the ward.


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