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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2080

The room felt hot and stuffy. Inside his hotel room, Damian paced back and forth as if he were walking on embers. He was in a five star hotel, but it felt more and more like a prison as the seconds went.

That call from earlier. He did not know who the man was. He gritted his teeth, struggling to keep his focus and recall the conversation. This was no time to be tripping over his own feet with anxiety.

"I suggest you think about it thoroughly. It's now or never. Your hesitation will cost you dearly," he said over the phone. "If her ex-husband comes back into the picture, it won't be good for you. They might rekindle old flames and marry again. When that happens, it's all over."

His words rang inside Damian's head like persistent echoes long after. Not once did he have a moment's rest from its merciless intrusion.

His anxiety fed on these voices like a hungry beast. Damian was visibly unnerved. Sheryl was the only woman he wanted in the world, and he would do anything and everything if he could have her.

However, he was well aware that he was teetering on unstable ground. At this point, he knew what Sheryl's answer would be if he asked her to marry him, and it was not the answer he wanted. Not once had she shown interest, and now here was Charles again, lingering like a ghost from her past.

To make matters worse, he did not know who this Rob person was, nor his intentions in offering his help. It would be too much of a risk to trust him. If Sheryl was harmed in any way because of his rash decisions, Damian would never forgive himself.

He was not that stupid. Good Samaritans had long disappeared from this world, and their place was taken by opportunists, waiting for their chance to pounce and turn the tables in their own favor. There would always be a catch. No way was this stranger doing him this big a favor for nothing.

Damian paused in his pacing and contemplated Rob's persona. Finding out who he was, was the top priority for now. He wouldn't be able to put his mind at ease until he figured out what this mysterious man was plotting.

Taking out his phone, he dialed a number, impatience gnawing at his already anxious nerves. Finally, the call was received.

"Duke, it's me, Damian. Can you come over now?" he said in haste.

"Now? Are you kidding me? It's time for dinner. Can't I at least eat first?" Duke replied, sounding fatigued.

For the past few days, he had been running around, carrying out Damian's orders. He had been working nonstop to get him what he wanted, and his patience was wearing thin with yet another of his demands.

"Why don't you come here and join me for dinner, then?" Damian proposed. "Remember that Western-style restaurant next to my hotel? Let's have our dinner there. They have the best steak in town. It'll be my treat."

Duke instantly perked up at his offer. Damian really knew how to make people follow him. "Alright," he replied, laughing. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Get a table and wait for me," he said, and then hung up.

On the other side of the city, Isla raised her head from the pile of documents on her desk and looked at them disdainfully. Her neck and shoulders were complaining from the whole day of work. It was time to call it a day.

Before leaving her office, she called Phoebe, planning to drop by the hospital and check on Sheryl before going home, but they spotted Josef the moment they stepped out of the elevator.

"What are you doing here? I told you that I'd visit Ms. Xia after work!" Phoebe complained charmingly as she went to him–her voice as sweet as honey.

Isla let out a loud laugh at the sight. "Aren't you two a vision?" she snorted. "Stop flaunting your affection in such a public place. My eyes can't take it. Just go with him, Phoebe. Have a good time, you two," she teased.

"No, Ms. Zhao. I'll go with you!" Phoebe insisted, hurriedly turning to grab Isla's arm.

Isla chuckled. "Phoebe, I was twenty once too. I mean it. Time will never go back! Just enjoy it." Isla stopped Phoebe, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

A blush bloomed on the younger woman's cheeks. She lowered her head, averting her eyes from both Isla and Josef.

Josef, on the other hand, did not have any trouble accepting Isla's words. He wrapped his arm around Phoebe's shoulders and looked at Isla. "That's very nice of you, Isla. Please send my regards to Ms. Xia. I'll visit her myself next time," he said courteously.

Isla nodded. "I will. Take good care of our Phoebe. Don't break her heart," she warned teasingly. It was refreshing to see them basking in the beauty of their youth.

Josef smiled at her meaningfully, and then his eyes went to Phoebe. Words would not be enough to describe how grateful he was that she had appeared in his life and taught him the feeling of falling in love. Having her by his side was contentment, and he was full of the satisfaction of loving her and being loved in return.

Isla turned away and walked to the parking lot. Unable to resist one last poke at the couple, she said aloud, "Oh, to be young again!" And she laughed. Phoebe, her face still red, went with Josef to his car parked on the side of the road.

"I thought you had plans for the evening," Phoebe said as they got inside and buckled her belt. Josef's appearance was a surprise. He didn't mention that he would come over when they talked over the phone earlier today.

"I just wanted to see you," he answered as he put the key in the ignition. "I had planned to visit Ms. Xia with you, but since Isla insisted, I just listened to her. Maybe we can go together and visit Ms. Xia tomorrow after work," Josef explained. The next moment, he leaned closer to place a gentle kiss on Phoebe's forehead before driving.

It was almost instinctual–he couldn't help kissing her when they were alone. Phoebe blushed again with his action. It wasn't the first time he did this, but he caught her off-guard every time.


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