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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2081

Damian had never given up courting Sheryl. Now that she was regaining her health at the hospital, and Damian had just come back from overseas, who did he have meals with here then?

Phoebe was very curious. Her probing eyes made Damian feel somewhat uncomfortable, and he felt sheepishly awkward.

"Alright, Miss He, enjoy the meals with your friend. I should be going." Damian politely excused himself before spinning around and leaving.

Phoebe was slightly taken aback but didn't stop him. Instead, she just became more curious. Something was gnawing inside of her that she couldn't figure out as she trained her gaze in the direction Damian left.

She started to think about whether she should look into it for the sake of Miss Xia. There was a nagging feeling within her, and she felt something was amiss. Having this thought on her mind, Phoebe glided towards another direction.

Moments later, Damian appeared from the restroom. He briefly glanced where Phoebe had stood before to see whether she was still there or not. A sudden relief washed over him as he found she was no longer around.

It didn't mean that he was afraid of Phoebe. He merely didn't want many people to know of his relationship with Duke, especially Sheryl's close acquaintances.

And by all means, Damian would never let Sheryl know about his relationship with Duke. Otherwise, all the efforts he had made would be in vain. He knew by heart Sheryl had her principles and wouldn't accept his assistance.

Damian looked around carefully again and didn't see Phoebe, so he scurried to his seat.

"What took you so long? Had trouble with the bowel movement?" Duke chuckled as he teased Damian, seeing him coming over.

"Bullshit. Why are you always being so mean?" Damian retorted in a harsh tone.

Duke let out a big smile. He was not offended at all.

"Are you done with ordering meals?" Damian asked.

"Yes. I bet you will be surprised," Duke countered with a smile.

Seeing that knowing smile, Damian had a hunch that Duke would play a trick on him. But he chose not to care about it now. What he wanted the most was to finish eating and to leave as soon as possible.

"Well, any progress with the thing about Rob?" Damian casually inquired minutes later as he stuffed his mouth with food.

Duke's demeanor turned serious, and he answered, "I only know that he used to be a gangster. As for what exactly he did, that's something not so clear to me yet. Same with the latest information about him, like what he is currently doing, and his recent whereabouts are insufficient. I am having a hard time on it, but I think he might have held a grudge against Sheryl."

"You are right," Damian responded after swallowing the food.

Duke stared at Damian with astonishment, blurting, "Wow! What did I hear just now? It's so rare for you to agree with me. I'm so flattered."

"Cut it out. Now you have discovered his purpose. What are you going to do next?" Damian probed.

It took Duke a second to cotton on to what Damian implied. He replied with shock, "Next? Are you really going to destroy him?"

"Of course." Damian glared at him and went on, "You should have known my purpose the moment I let you gather information about Rob."

"I know. You do it for the lady you love. Damian, I have one question for you. Will you regret making so many efforts for her even though she can't love you back?" Duke asked.

Damian suddenly grew silent and seriously mulled over the question deep in his mind.

He was attracted to Sheryl at first sight. Since then, his affection for her had passionately grown when he found more and more merits in her. Would he regret it? So simple a question, yet it weighed heavier than he could imagine.

Damian had forgone his office overseas for her. He had put a lot of effort into establishing that business despite all of his family opposing him. He had regarded it as his pursuit of a dream and freedom for a lifetime. But to get back to Sheryl, he had given up this pursuit without an ounce of hesitation.


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