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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2091

Vicky stopped for a second. "I'm not trying to do anything. I just miss you, Charles. I miss you so much, and maybe we can have lunch together? Is that okay?"

"You want to have lunch now? It's not lunch time yet," Charles replied quickly. He tried to keep his tone indifferent. Deep down, he was so disgusted by this woman.

"I know. I can wait until you get off work." She paused, her eyes widened as she remembered the cake she brought. "Please have a taste of this cake. I've heard only great things about its taste."

"I'm fine, Vicky. Save it for yourself." Vicky began to untangle the ribbon on the box when Charles covered her hand to stop her.

She gasped, surprised by his touch. "Charles! You...you're allowing yourself to touch me now?" Oblivious of Charles' real opinion about her, Vicky was overjoyed by Charles' touch. She continued to hold his hand, feeling the warmth of it as she glided the pad of her thumb on the soft skin at the back of his hand. "Do you know how much I want to be with you? You've grown more distant from me, and I have no idea how to get through to you."

Vicky's words made the hair on Charles' arm stand on end. There was something wrong with this woman. Did she take the wrong pill today? Or was it just her crazy showing?

"I still have a lot of things to attend to today. If that is all, please close the door when you leave." Charles drew his hand back and turned his attention to the paperwork in front of him. Vicky had overstayed her welcome.

As much as Vicky didn't want to leave, Charles had already shown her the door. But before she left, she had to make a last-ditch effort. "How about if you come for dinner tonight? It's fine if you don't want to have lunch with me. But maybe we could have dinner together. If you don't come, I'll... I'll lose what little appetite I have. I'll be upset if I don't see you tonight."

Charles frowned at Vicky's attempt to manipulate him. He had no idea what she was up to, but her persistence was starting to become suspicious.

"Fine. I'll come by for dinner," Charles answered.

Vicky lit up at Charles' assent. "That's great! I'm going to cook some dishes that you like. I'll make sure you'll enjoy everything."

"Fine. If that's all, I have work to do."

"Okay, I can take a hint. By the way, you should at least try the cake I brought you." Vicky tried to encourage Charles one last time before she left his office reluctantly.

Charles' mood just got worse as he looked at the cake.

Soon after Vicky left his office, someone else entered.

"Charles, you need me?" David asked. He knew things were bound to get bad after Vicky's visit. Charles' mood always took a turn for the worse, and he had to bear the brunt of it.

Earlier, he felt relieved that Vicky's visit was shorter than usual. And yet, Charles still summoned him less than a minute after Vicky left.

David had no idea whether he should be happy or concerned.

"Get rid of that damn cake." Charles' words were clipped and brief.

Before he could rein in his tongue, David found himself replying, "Seems like a waste to throw it away. I heard this cake tastes amazing."

"If it matters so much to you, then you can have it. Just get it out of my face!"

Charles's voice dripped with barely held fury. Realizing his mistake, David turned his attention from the cake to Charles. His boss had already buried his head in the big pile of paperwork on his table.

'Fine. What a waste of delicious cake. Since the boss is not going to eat it, more for me, I guess, '

David thought to himself. Before Charles could take his words back, David took the cake from the table and left.

The second he walked out of Charles' office, a couple of colleagues descended upon him and the cake box on his arms. Curious, they asked what went on in their boss' office.

Ignoring their questions, David simply answered, "Charles is giving this cake for us to share."

"Wow! That's so nice of Charles. He's been so approachable recently. That's really amazing."

"Charles bought a cake for all of us? This has never happened before!"

"I agree! Don't get us wrong, Charles has always been good to us. But he's usually very professional and a bit distant with us. There's no reason for him to buy us cake. Come on, tell us the real story here."

They began to discuss among themselves, and the incessant chatter started to drive David to the end of his patience.

"Hey, do you guys want the cake or not? Just take it or leave it."

"Of course we want the cake! Let me take it for you." Before David could even blink, his colleagues took the cake from his arms.


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