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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2092

Damian sighed and decided to leave.

After walking a few more steps, Charles finally decided to stop. As the footsteps behind him went away, he also heaved a sigh. Turning around, he walked back towards the same direction he came from.

Charles came as he had wanted to see Sheryl. But in the end, he realized that he still didn't have the courage to face her. What was he supposed to tell her? And what should he do?

Sheryl had declined him last time, and she had been pretty determined. By the looks of it, it seemed like nothing could ever change her mind. He had no chance of winning her back. At this stage, he couldn't take another rejection from Sheryl. But still, Charles didn't want to give her up.

The more he thought about it, the more desperate he became. Walking out through the hospital door, he watched how people came and went. All of a sudden, he was unsure of where he should go. Without Sheryl, he felt like a lost soul, and his life was meaningless.

Meanwhile, the ward had not been too busy today.

Sheryl opened her eyes to a well-lit room and the scent of lavender. Propping herself up to sit on the bed, she positioned one of her pillows behind her. She felt energetic like she had taken a good rest. Actually, she had a dream just now, although it wasn't a good dream.

Pushing the door open, Cassie walked inside. She had a bright smile on her face, seeing that Sheryl looked great. "Sher, you are up!" Cassie started. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." Sheryl nodded. "Anything for me?" Sheryl asked Cassie.

"Nothing, I just come by to tell you that your discharge procedure is done, and Nick is coming to pick you up."

Sheryl smiled back and nodded at Cassie. "Thank you so much. I was thinking about calling a taxi myself."

"No need to do that. Nick will be your chauffeur now," Cassie chuckled.

"Thanks, Cassie."

Shortly after, Nick walked into the ward and straight in Sheryl's direction.

"What are you two talking about? You seem to be having a lot of fun," Nick asked curiously, hearing the two ladies chuckling when he stepped in.

Sheryl looked over Cassie's shoulder and answered, "We were just talking about you, and then you walked in."

"Talking about me? About what?"

Feeling a little embarrassed, Cassie's cheeks turned red, so she interrupted before Sheryl said another word, "Nothing. You're here early. Have you already finished work?"

"Yes, I came to the hospital as soon as I was done. So what would you like to eat tonight, ladies?" Nick asked, smiling. He was starving himself, so he was excited about taking both Cassie and Sheryl out.

Waving her hand, Cassie said, "You go with Sheryl. I am doing the night shift today, so I can't go with you. Maybe some other time." Nick made a sad face at what Cassie advised, so she elbowed him lightly to tell him to behave. Nick smiled back to confirm he was just kidding. "By the way," Cassie continued. "Sheryl just recovered. She shouldn't eat spicy food as of yet. Plain dishes will be good for her. What about having some Cantonese cuisine tonight? It isn't oily, and it's good for your health."

Hearing Cassie's instructions, Nick felt surprised. "Cassie, I never thought you knew so much about this."

"Come on, Nick, what's so surprising? I am a nurse, and diet greatly affects our health…"

"Stop, you two. I'm starving. Why don't we just leave for dinner?" Sheryl interrupted before Cassie could finish her sentence.

Nick walked to the bedside and helped Sheryl carry her luggage. Before they left, he turned to Cassie and said, "Cassie, I'll drive Sheryl home. Don't work too hard. Remember to take some rest from time to time, okay?"

Cassie nodded. "Bye, Cassie," Sheryl said to Cassie too.

Helping Sheryl carry one of her bags, Cassie offered, "Let me walk you to the entrance."

Nick put Sheryl's luggage in the trunk while Sheryl stood by his car. She said to Cassie, "Cassie, thanks for taking care of me these past few days. I mean, you needed to work, but you also took the time to take care of me. I really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it. That's what friends are for," Cassie advised Sheryl with a smile.

"Yeah, Sher, Cassie will take care of you," Nick assured her.

"Don't take anything for granted, Nick. By the way, when are you two tying the knot? You've been dating for such a long time. Have you two considered settling down anytime soon?" Sheryl ended up asking Cassie, as the question suddenly popped into her head.


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