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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2097

"Did you buy the tickets?" Sheryl asked calmly as she tried to control her emotion, after wiping off the tears at the corners of her eyes.

There was a strange indifference in Sheryl's attitude as she fixed her gaze at the screen while speaking with Damian. Damian was quite intimidated by her behavior, so much so that he couldn't make out how to answer her question. After giving it some thought for a moment or two, he decided not to deny it. He turned his head to look at Sheryl's that was turned towards the screen and said, "Yes, I bought them for us!"

"Why?" Sheryl asked.

"Because I wanted to invite you to see this movie, but I was afraid that you would refuse. So..."

Sheryl heaved a sigh and shook her head, expressing her disapproval of what Damian said. She maintained a long face and refused to look at Damian's face while talking. She spoke absolutely to the point and avoided any kind of casual conversation.

"Don't do this ever again!" Sheryl made her point clear in a cold tone.

Sheryl's words pierced through Damian's heart like sharp arrows. He felt deeply hurt, and it showed on his face immediately. Yet Sheryl didn't have the heart to look at his face for even once.

"Sheryl, don't you like..."

"Let's focus on the screen. The movie has started," Sheryl interrupted. Evidently, she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Sheryl's indifference made Damian get cold feet. He didn't know when, or how he might have said, or done something wrong to Sheryl. Not wanting to displease Sheryl any further, he swallowed the words down his throat.

He thought there would be other chances for the two of them to talk, so he decided to wait. During the movie, Damian tried several times to talk to Sheryl, but every time he turned his head toward Sheryl, her frozen expression stopped him from even uttering a word.

This was the first time Damian had seen Sheryl be so cold and indifferent. He thought that Sheryl must be in a bad mood this time. Helpless, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking, 'Indeed, it is true as the saying goes–you should pay attention to what you say in front of a woman.' While Sheryl kept staring at the screen expressionlessly, Damian could not enjoy the movie either. Sitting beside Sheryl at that moment seemed to be the most difficult thing for Damian to do right now. He could even feel a chilly air coming out of Sheryl's body that gave him the shivers.

As long as the movie continued, Damian couldn't put his mind at ease. His entire attention was on Sheryl. As the movie came to an end, the lights in the movie theater were turned on. However, Damian was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice it. "Damian, the movie is over. I think I should go home now. You don't have to drive me back. Please don't bother yourself," Sheryl said as she stood up from her seat. After that, she headed towards the exit. Neither did she wait for Damian to reply to her, nor did she bother to wait for him.

"Sher, wait!" Damian pulled himself out of his reverie and chased after Sheryl.

Sheryl walked swiftly out of the theater, hoping to see Isla waiting for her outside the movie hall. Sheryl's eyes combed the entire place to find Isla, but she was nowhere to be seen.

'Did she just go back, leaving me alone here? How thoughtless can Isla be sometimes?'

Sheryl thought to herself. She bit her lips to vent the sudden surge of anger in her heart. She couldn't believe that Isla had just gone away without even informing her. Since Sheryl didn't have her car with her that day, she was left with no option other than to call a taxi.

She quickly slipped her hand into her handbag to find her phone. While Sheryl was dialing Isla's number, she saw Damian coming towards her.

Sheryl immediately dropped her head and looked away, pretending she didn't see him at all.

"Sher?" Isla finally answered the call. Sheryl could hear a lot of commotion from Isla's side. She couldn't help but think, 'Why is there so much noise at Isla's side? Is she still inside the theater?'

"Where are you? Are you still here? The movie has ended. I am right outside the theater. Let's go home together!" Sheryl replied at once and waited for Isla to answer.

Isla was in the cinema, but she hid around a corner so that Sheryl could not find her. She could see Sheryl's back from a distance. But she decided not to appear in front of Sheryl to create an opportunity for Damian to spend some time with Sheryl.

"Sher, I received an urgent call and had to leave early. Now I am already out of the cinema. You find a way to go back on your own! Sorry! Now I have to end this call!" Isla lied. She pretended that she was in a rush to attend something urgent.

"What? Wait! Isla," Sheryl called out. She became anxious. She was nearly pissed off. She even wanted to punish Isla for deserting her like this.

"Sheryl, I am really sorry this time. I know you must be angry. I called Damian to drive you home. Is he still there with you?" Isla asked.

"What? Wait, you called Damian? Why did you call him? As regards this movie invitation, was it you? You asked him to come to a movie with me, didn't you?" Sheryl questioned in surprise. She grew more and more speculative. She had a strong feeling that Isla must have something to do with all this. She even doubted that it must have been Isla who had suggested to Damian to invite Sheryl to the cinema.

"Yes, you know I had to leave right after I received the call. It was very urgent. I knew it would be inconvenient for you if I left you alone in the movie hall, so I called Damian to accompany you to the movie. And he could also drop you at home after the movie."

"Isla, there was no need to call him for this! You could have just told me that, and I would have hailed a taxi to go back home!" Sheryl was seething with anger by then, and it came out through her voice. As much as she was jittery about Isla's persistence for her to see another man, her deliberate attempt to bring Damian closer to her made her really disturbed. How could she leave her uninformed?

"No, Sheryl. Let Damian drive you back. It's much safer than going via taxi! Besides, Damian has always been nice to you. He must be happy to drop you at home. So don't worry. I am sure he won't be troubled by this. And besides, it's safer to take his car home, right? Okay, I have to go now. See you..." Isla hung up the phone without giving Sheryl a chance to retort.


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