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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2098

Sheryl's phone suddenly started ringing in the car.

It was the Kindergarten teacher. She knew that she was late picking up her children. And here was the teacher calling her to remind her of her own children.

"Hello, teacher. I'm coming now. I'll be at the kindergarten soon," Sheryl quickly explained at once as she picked up her phone.

Clark's kindergarten teacher replied, "All right, Ms. Xia. Clark and Shirley are playing in the drawing room. I will tell them to wait for you patiently."

"All right. Thank you, teacher. I will be at the kindergarten in 10 minutes," Sheryl replied.

After hanging up, she felt annoyed. They were caught up in heavy traffic.

If she had known beforehand of Isla's scheme, she would have gone to the kindergarten to pick up her children much earlier. Now, they were caught up in heavy traffic. Damian's car couldn't move much anymore, and she was in low spirits.

Damian looked at Sheryl's face. He could tell that she was worried about her children. He tried comforting Sheryl, saying, "Don't worry. Now that the teacher has called you, she knows that you are on your way. She will take good care of the children."

"I see," Sheryl replied moodily.

In fact, she didn't blame anyone. She was upset with herself. She felt like she was an incompetent mother. She had stayed in the hospital for a few days to recuperate. However, once she had gotten home, she still couldn't take good care of children. It was her fault, and nobody else's.

Damian realized that Sheryl was in a bad mood. He didn't know what she was thinking. All he could guess was that Sheryl was unhappy because they had seen a movie together. He didn't dare to say anything more to her.

In fact, Isla had suggested that he go to the cinema and meet Sheryl, telling him that this would make Sheryl happy. At first, he had been very excited at this prospect.

But then he had thought again that maybe Sheryl wouldn't be happy to see him, so he refused Isla gently. But he hadn't expected that Isla would call him back so suddenly. She had explained that an urgent situation that had just come up, and she hoped that he could help her by picking up Sheryl. Of course, he had promised without hesitation and had hurried to do it.

When he had arrived at the cinema and saw Sheryl's beautiful face, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Right then and there, he had made up his mind.

He knew that he couldn't live his life without Sheryl anymore. He was now determined not to give up so easily.

While Damian was reflecting on the earlier events of the day, he glanced at Sheryl's gloomy expression. Her downcast face hurt him, and he wanted her to be happy. He decided the best thing for him to do was to focus on driving. Inside the car, not a sound could be heard.

Meanwhile, Charles was driving to pick up his mom. When he arrived at the road his mom had told him to go to, he saw her standing, by the side of the road, waiting for him.

"Mom, get in the car." Charles opened the door for his mom.

Seeing her son, Melissa became very happy. She hurriedly shouted out his name, "Charles!"

After Melissa got into the car, she looked through the window. Turning back she saw that Charles was watching her.

"Why are you staring at me?" Melissa asked, feeling puzzled.

In fact, she knew why Charles was staring at her. She hardly went shopping in this area. Furthermore, Clark and Shirley's kindergarten was on this road.

In fact, she didn't want to go shopping anymore. She just wanted to see her grandchildren. If Charles had any doubts about her reason for being there, she would tell him.

As she had expected, Charles couldn't help but ask her, "Mom, why were you shopping here?"

"I'll tell you why! I want to see my grandchildren. Do you hear? My grandchildren!" Melissa explained in a sad and angry tone.

Charles didn't say anything. He just stared ahead and kept silent. Melissa didn't know what he was thinking now, but she didn't like his silence.

Melissa was very angry as Charles kept silent. When she mentioned Sheryl and their two children, Charles always kept silent. She was confused and hurt.


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