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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2099

Sheryl smothered a retort, which was on the tip of her lips. In fact, it was a long time since the two children had seen their grandma or their father. Sheryl thought it was inhuman of her to refuse them permission to see each other, especially of the circumstances.

Sheryl looked out of the window irritably. She didn't want to do this, but she had no choice. The traffic jam would last at least another half an hour, so it was better to fulfill their wishes today. Sheryl decided to drive off to collect Clark and Shirley from the Dream Garden later today.

"Oh, I see… Okay, that is fine as long as they are at home in time," Sheryl finally gave her consent.

"Great! I'm so happy, you know. I'll let you go now, so you can get some rest. See you later," Melissa replied immediately with a bright smile.

"I'll fetch Clark and Shirley myself after dinner, Mom,"

Before Sheryl got the last word out, Melissa had hung up the receiver.

At that moment, Melissa was preoccupied with the two children. It was understandable that she answered Sheryl in a rather preoccupied manner.

The second Melissa saw Charles walking out of the kindergarten gate with his two children, she couldn't pay attention to anything else.

"Clark, Shirley!" Melissa called to them gleefully as she pushed the door open and got out the car.

"Grandma! Look, Clark! Grandma is also here!" Shirley exclaimed in excitement. She grinned from ear to ear when she saw Melissa.

Shirley's relationship with Melissa had been enriched by spending some time together recently. At that moment, she could hardly contain her excitement as she saw her Grandma Melissa again.

"Grandma, how are you?" Clark asked respectfully, of Melissa. But Clark's face remained quiet as he held Charles' hand.

"It's so nice to be together with my two grandchildren. Grandma misses you so much!" Melissa started forward to take Shirley and Clark in her arms as her eyes shone with tears.

Charles' heart was touched when he saw his mom become very emotional at that moment. In fact, when he saw his two children walk out of the classroom minutes ago, he also got very emotional.

But no one could tell. As a man, he was restrained from outwardly showing his emotions.

Shirley and Clark had done a double-take when they saw their father, unable to believe it was actually him. However, a second later, they had jumped with joy and thrown themselves into his arms. The power of blood ties was very great and could not easily be worn out by time for Clark and Shirley.

Seeing his children hug their grandmother made Charles' eyes moist with tears.

"You two are a little thinner than the last time I saw you. Does the food at the kindergarten taste that awful? Is that it? You should inform your teacher if you don't have enough to eat," Melissa kept asking questions.

Clark and Shirley listened patiently to their grandma.

"It's time to go, Mom," Charles said to Melissa after he had cleared his throat.

"Time to go? I want to spend more time with my two grandchildren!" Melissa retorted as she gave Charles a cross look. She then held the hands of her two grandchildren and said, "Let's go home and have dinner together. How does that sound Clark and Shirley?"

"Mom," Charles said helplessly. He knew that Sheryl's domestic helper would soon be here to collect the children. If they brought the two children home without prior notification, the domestic helper would surely get frantic.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to bring Clark and Shirley home for dinner? I have already told Nancy to prepare our dinner. You know, she can produce a delicious meal from very simple ingredients," Melissa retorted at Charles again. She presented herself as the victim, but, in reality, she had already planned all of this ahead of time.

"Mom, you know Clark and Shirley live with their mother, and they have dinner together. Sheryl's domestic helper will be here any moment to collect Clark and Shirley from their kindergarten class. If we bring them home today without prior notification, the domestic helper will surely be surprised and scared,"

Charles hopelessly explained to his mother. He didn't know that Sheryl had already been discharged from the hospital, so he thought Sheryl's domestic helper would be here soon to collect Clark and Shirley.

"You worry too much, my son. I called Sheryl earlier, and she has agreed that we can bring Clark and Shirley home for dinner," Melissa said with a smile.

"What?! You said you already phoned her up?" Charles asked incredulously. He was surprised at his mother's words.


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