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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2107

After hanging up, Sheryl was suddenly aware of Charles watching her. His eyes spoke of his emotions as clear as day.

At once, she felt her heart quicken its pace. 'Get a hold of yourself, you silly woman, ' she castigated herself silently, maintaining a calm expression.

It had been a long time since she last saw him. Why was he looking at her like that? Was it possible that he still loved her? She still recognized those eyes. It was the same gaze he would watch her with when they were still married. At that time, he had been the world to her. A sudden chill gripped her.

No, these memories were treacherous. Perhaps he had gazed at many other women with the same eyes.

She passed by him without so much as a greeting and walked towards her daughters' ward.

She heard his footsteps follow her closely, and soon the two of them were inside.

The chill that held her chest captive made its way into a cold smile. It was not necessary for him to be here. He didn't have to stay when his house and bed was warm with that beauty of his.

In the ward, Shirley closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

Sheryl was intent on paying no mind to the man in the room. Bending over her daughter, she ran a cool cloth, wiped the sweat off Shirley's forehead, and looked at her watch. Already, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Throughout the day, she had been occupied with worry about her daughter's stomachache. Only after seeing Shirley was she able to finally breathe. The next moment, it was as if her body was able to recognize her fatigue. She felt sleepy.

There was another bed beside Shirley's bed. Still, without glancing at Charles, she took off her coat and lay down.

She turned to face the wall, not wanting to see Charles' face. She couldn't see her daughter, but she heard her rhythmic breathing in the silence of the room.

Soon, her exhaustion overtook her, and she dozed off. It had been a tiring day for her. At long last, she would be able to get some much-needed sleep.

Charles remained silent the entire time, even as his eyes never left Sheryl. He watched the small movements she made as she slept, and was filled with quiet relief.

All he could hear in the ward was his daughter and Sheryl's breathing. The sounds soothed his troubled mind, and for the first time in a long while, he felt peaceful as he stood there and watched over them sleep.

Sleep had evaded him these days, but this quiet moment was good enough for now.

As he thought that, Sheryl turned over, now facing him with her eyes still closed.

The sudden movement caused her coat to drop to the floor.

Walking quietly, Charles went closer to her and gazed at her sleeping face. Then, he bent down, picked up her coat, and covered her once again.

At this, Sheryl began to mutter in her dream.

"Don't... Please don't leave me." A choked cry broke out from her. "Charles…

You bastard…" Her voice grew stronger and more intense.

"You don't love me, do you? I will forget you soon," she cried.

Charles heard every word clearly. They rang loudly in his head and constricted his chest like thorny vines. A pained smile appeared on his lips. Even in her dreams, she was still cursing him.

It seemed that Sheryl still couldn't forget him, even if it wasn't how he wanted her to think of him.

Sighing, he took off his coat and covered Sheryl with it.

He gathered the pain in his chest and tucked it away. For now, he would be content with just watching her. It was as if he could never tire of her face. Even now, her beauty possessed all the space in his memory.

And even all the space in his heart. That unmistakable pain was proof of it. He did not want her to be hurt, especially by himself.

'Sher, please wait for me. Just for a few more months. I will marry you again and take good care of you. And this time, I won't let you go, ' he vowed to her in his mind.

The next moment, he bent down and pressed his lips to Sheryl's forehead, his kiss as gentle and light as a butterfly's wings.

The touch of her soft skin betrayed his body to intimate sensations he had known with her before. His heart beat quicker and louder as the ghost of her warmth trailed all over him.


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