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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2108

Sheryl's heart ached when she heard what Shirley had said.

Those kids were so mean!

However, what really hurt Sheryl was not what those kids had done, but the influence of what they had said to Shirley and Clark.

This should have been a matter between grown-ups. The kids were unaware of how much damage their jokes inflicted on the people they teased.

"Shirley, please, come on, Honey, don't be sad. They were just joking with you and your brother. It's not true." Sheryl tried to console Shirley.

"But it's true. Daddy hasn't been with us for a long time. It's always you who pick us up from school. He hasn't done that for a while. I'm sick now. But daddy is not here with me. Mom, I'm so sad." Shirley lowered her head in sorrow. Everything she said was true.

Sheryl was upset because she didn't know how to comfort her baby.

It seemed the only option was going to the kindergarten to have a talk with the director about this situation. Her baby girl was so heartbroken by what those kids taunted her about. She had to do something to resolve it.

Seeing her mother distracted and not hearing anything comforting from her, Shirley became more anxious and afraid. She tugged at Sheryl's sleeve and said, "Mommy is daddy really determined to abandon us? Does he not love me anymore?"

Hearing this from her daughter, Sheryl almost started crying.

She pulled her little girl into her arms and said soothingly, "Don't imagine silly things, my Darling. He's your daddy, and he will always love you. He just..."

Sheryl was about to make up an excuse for her ex-husband when she suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Daddy has just been too busy, Shirley."

Sheryl knew from the voice alone who was behind her without looking back. Her body tensed up, and her heart started racing.

Shirley looked up and saw it was her dad. She said happily, her eyes squeezed with delight, "Daddy, you are finally here!"

Charles stepped towards his daughter. He reached his arms over Sheryl on purpose and held Shirley.

Observing them from the outside, it seemed that he was holding both Sheryl and his daughter.

Stuck in between these two, Shirley felt very uncomfortable and wanted to get away. But Shirley said jauntily, "I knew that Daddy wouldn't abandon me. Daddy loves me!"

Seeing her girl so happy made Sheryl feel even more upset.

She heard Charles say, "Shirley, I will drive you to and from the kindergarten from now on. Thus, your friends won't ever have any reason to say things like that again. Are you happy now?"

Hearing that, Shirley opened her eyes wide and said with excitement, "Is it true?" "You will drive us every day? Daddy, is that a promise?"

"Yes, it is, my Darling," Charles answered with a smile.

"Well, let's pinky-swear just in case." Shirley reached out her small hand cheerfully and held Charles' pinkie intertwined with hers.

"Well, that's a deal then."

Seeing this, Sheryl didn't know how to respond.

For her, all this was very complicated; and not as simple as promising one another something. She didn't know what to do now.

Sheryl was relieved that Charles let go of them quickly. Upon getting out of his arms, Sheryl stepped back immediately, saying, "Shirley, I'll get you a cup of water. You need to drink more water."

"Thanks, Mommy," Shirley said politely, looking very adorable.

Sheryl stood up quickly and went away.

Charles watched Sheryl all the while pretending to be busy, saying nothing. His face contained a small, subtle smile.

The next day


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