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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2122

Outside the ICU

Melissa and Sheryl approached the doctor on duty to learn about Charles' condition.

"Doctor, is my son out of danger now?" Melissa asked with concern.

The doctor on duty understood the concerns of the patient's family. Besides, her superior had asked her to take special care of the patient in this ward. Hence, she knew that she had to pay particular attention to the patient's family.

"The patient is getting better now. He is expected to be in a coma temporarily. Don't worry, we will inform you immediately if anything goes wrong."

Sheryl felt relieved to hear that.

She expressed her gratitude to the doctor on duty, "Thank you so much, Doctor."

"You're welcome. It's my duty," the doctor replied politely. Then she added, "You only have half an hour to visit the patient in a day. It is from 3 o'clock to 3:30 PM. Entry is allowed only to one person. It's almost time for the visiting time to start. Who wants to go in?" the doctor asked and waited for them to decide.

Melissa and Sheryl looked at each other. Being a mother, Melissa wanted to be the first one to visit her son. But when she saw the anxiousness on Sheryl's face, she changed her mind.

"Sher, go inside and see Charles. I know when he opens his eyes, the first person he would like to see is you," Melissa said convincingly.

Sheryl waved her hand in a hurry and said, "No, Aunt Melissa. You're the most important person to him. You should see him first."

"Why are you still willing to give up the chance, Sher? Charles loves you the most in this world. And this will never change. Besides, I saw Charles when he was out of the operating room yesterday. It's your turn to see him. Maybe he will wake up the moment you see him..." Melissa said, trying to look for some hope for Charles' speedy recovery.

Sheryl agreed and proceeded towards the ICU, where Charles was lying unconscious.

After her whole body had been disinfected, Sheryl was kitted out with a hospital uniform, mask, and gloves, and she stood in front of the ward door.

The doctor on duty swiped the card to open the door of the ICU. Sheryl tiptoed into the room.

As Sheryl entered the dimly lit ward, her vision was rather hazy as she tried to look through the ward from one end to the other. Her eyes fell upon the medical equipment and instruments, which still looked blurry. Only after squinting, could she finally see the condition in the ward clearly.

The room was filled with all kinds of cold equipment, and the only sound that was audible was the faint sound that came from the equipment. After taking a quick glance at all those, her eyes fell upon the hospital bed that was placed at one side of the room.

And there lay the man who meant the world to Sheryl. The only man in her life, whom she loved so much.

Sheryl's vision became blurred again. But this time, it was due to the tears that pooled into her eyes. Her heart started pounding, and her feet felt so heavy that she could hardly lift them.

She closed her eyes once to let the tears flow out of her eyes. Sheryl tried her best to control her emotions. Then she slowly lifted her heavy feet and walked forward.

The closer she approached the bed, the more restless and anxious she became. She opened her eyes wide and fixed her gaze at Charles, who was lying still on the bed. She stretched her eyes wider as if should she have closed her eyes for a blink, Charles would have disappeared from that place.

Slowly, she came closer to the hospital bed. At first, Sheryl didn't dare to look at Charles' face.

Sheryl feared that his face would be severely damaged, and she would not be able to see the face that she had become so familiar with.

Lifting her eyes slowly, she saw Charles' legs. They were rested straight and looked strong. Charles was a strong man, and his legs always added to his gait and personality. Now that they were resting on the bed so motionless, she still couldn't ignore the power of his legs when he lay here.

Slowly, Sheryl's eyes swept from Charles' waist to his face.


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