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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2139

The guard rushed out with Clark in his arms. It was raining heavily outside. To prevent Clark from getting wet in the rain, he held an umbrella for him. However, when he was halfway out, the rain came to an abrupt stop.

Looking ahead, he caught a glimpse of a man slowly walking towards him.

The sudden presence of this man left the guard stunned. He shuddered with fear. But on closer inspection, he found that it was Rob. He rushed to him, asking for help.

"Boss! Boss, help!" The guard shouted as he ran to Rob. He seemed to have forgotten that they couldn't let people find out that they had kidnapped Clark.

Rob walked to his subordinate, frustrated because he spoke so loudly.

"What the hell!" Rob snapped.

The guard immediately lowered his voice and replied, "Boss, this kid passed out."

On hearing this, Rob was also startled. His eyes immediately fell on Clark, who was in the guard's arms. He narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to touch Clark's forehead.

"He's got a fever." Rob's heart tightened.

"Then what should we do? I have been taking good care of him. I have no idea as to what caused him this fever." The guard was afraid of being blamed, so he quickly explained to Rob.

Rob didn't blame him. He murmured, "What should we do?"

They were in the wilds with a child. And considering the situation, there was no way they could take Clark to the hospital.

The second they showed up at a hospital, they would be caught.

Realizing this, his anxiety increased. The only reason he kidnapped Clark was to force Charles out. Rob had been worried that Charles was pretending to be in a coma, so kidnapping his child seemed like the best way to test it.

Moreover, another important reason was that he needed to keep this child in order to get Ferry out of prison. It was a trade-off. Although his chance of victory was slim, he would never know whether it would work or not until he actually tried.

"Come with me, Abraham!" Noticing Clark's face was turning redder and redder, Rob made a quick decision.

"Okay." Abraham followed Rob, still holding Clark in his arms.

After a few steps, they noticed a few people walking towards them.

"Boss!" Alva shouted at them while he gripped Vicky's arm tightly.

Seeing that it was Alva and Vicky, Rob didn't look too surprised. He nodded his head and said, "Take her over there. And be careful. You shouldn't leave any evidence behind."

Hearing Rob's words, Vicky knew that she was on the verge of death. Although she was anxious, she was not in a hurry. She didn't know why, but there was a part of her that believed Sheryl could save her in time.

All of a sudden, she saw the kid in Abraham's arms. Knowing that the boy was Sheryl's lost son, she got very excited. Her efforts didn't go in vain.

She must prolong this until Sheryl came to help her.

Thinking of this, Vicky abruptly said, "Wait a minute."

"What?" Rob replied impatiently. He was anxious to take Clark to see a doctor.

"Rob, why did you ask them to bring me here?" she asked deliberately.

With a sinister smile on his face, Rob said, "Because I want to shut you up forever."

"What do you mean? I did so much for you. After everything, how could you kill me for such a selfish purpose? Do you even have a conscience?" Vicky began to reprimand him.

But Rob's patience had run out. "Take her away," he ordered.

"Wait!" Vicky took a quick glance at Clark, who was lying still in Abraham's arms. On closer inspection, she noticed he was red. Even though he was asleep, he seemed to have a hard time breathing. Obviously, he was sick.

She noticed that Clark's clothes were wet, so she wondered whether Clark had caught a cold and had a fever because of the rain.


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