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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2141

Coming closer to him, Rob could see Charles' eyes grew colder. Though he didn't say a word, the evil smile he cast on Rob was more than a warning. "Believe it or not, I have a way to make you speak."

Charles' voice sounded so cold, sending chills across Rob's spine. Looking up at Charles, Rob couldn't help seeing the face of a devil.

'How could someone's expression suddenly change into something so scary?!' Rob thought and swallowed, finally coming to terms with his fears.

He didn't expect that Charles would show an unthreatened reaction. He suddenly doubted himself, 'Did I miscalculate? Somewhere along the line, my plan must have gone wrong, but didn't I notice it in time?'

Rob had always thought that Charles was decisive in business, but quite hesitant when his family's safety was at stake. He thought Charles could be leveraged since he still had Clark's life in his hands. But now, Rob felt that he might have been wrong.

It seemed like the more Rob provoked and intimidated Charles, the more it blew up in his face.

With no intention to give up, Rob continued to deliberately irritate Charles, saying, "Torturing me will get you nowhere. You'll be lucky if your son will live a month and a half at most. Imagine how your wife will suffer from distress upon losing her son. Her depression will probably lead to her death. Once both your wife and your child are dead, you will live alone for the rest of your life. Ha-ha!"

"Crazy! You crazy psycho!"

Hearing what Rob just said, Vicky couldn't help feeling outraged. It never occurred to her that Rob could be so frantic and kill a small kid!

'If I had known this earlier...' Vicky thought to herself.

At that moment, Vicky regretted that she had colluded with Rob. She felt her hands were also stained with Clark's blood, being an accessory to the crime. If anything ominous happened to the kid, she knew that her days were also numbered.

Surely, Charles wouldn't let her off the hook so easily. Judging from what she had learned so far about Charles' character, he wasn't someone who would let anyone get away after causing trouble to his family.

That thought made Vicky fear for Rob's life, making her quickly approach them. Afraid that Rob would completely irk Charles, and the latter would beat him to death once he lost control, Vicky decided to step in. If Charles ended up killing Rob now, Clark would be left with no remedy.

"Charles, don't listen to him. It's a trap. He wants you to kill him! Then you will be a criminal. Don't let this man ruin both your life and your son's!" Vicky shouted, trying to reason with Charles.

"Shut up! Bitch!" Rob bawled, glaring at her with ferocious eyes.

Charles took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Even though he really wanted to break each and every bone in Rob's body, he knew that violence would not do him good. Right now, it didn't matter if Rob's claim of Clark being poisoned was true or not, but either way, he couldn't let him die.

He still needed Rob, to save his son's life, and as bait to catch a bigger fish–the chief plotter, Ferry. How could Charles let him die so easily?

Charles turned around and commanded, "Drag him away." He didn't want to waste another second on Rob anymore, so he ordered two of his men to act quickly.

"Yes, sir!" Two men in suits answered in unison. They approached Rob and stood on either of his sides, grabbing his upper arms. They dragged Rob out of the room despite his resistance.

As soon as Rob was out of the room, Charles turned to look at Vicky, noticing how anxious she was.

"Why are you still here?"

Feeling a little embarrassed, Vicky answered in a low voice, "I...I have nowhere to go."

"What do you mean nowhere to go?" Thinking for a while, Charles ended up saying, "Go back to the villa. I'll allow you to stay there for the time being."

Surprised at what Charles just said, Vicky's eyes widened. Did she hear it correctly?

She wondered why Charles forgave her so easily in spite of all the bad things she had done to his family. Vicky was surprised that he still let her live in the villa even if he said it was just temporary.

"I...I'm so thankful..."

Vicky didn't even get to finish her words, since Charles immediately interrupted her, "It was Sheryl's idea. She suggested that we give you the villa, so I agreed. We'll get the ownership transferred to your name tomorrow."

Vicky's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Sheryl asked you to give me the villa? Why, Sheryl?"

All her life, Vicky only believed in one rule: 'No pain, no gain.' To her, nothing came free. So hearing that she was given a villa for free came as more than a shock to her. She couldn't help but feel startled. Vicky had lived a life full of struggles where she was only able to get everything by conspiracy. Never in her past had she been treated like this before.


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