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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 516

As Anthony remained silent, Sheryl went on,"It doesn't matter what happened in the past. And nothing is more important to me now than you and Shirley. I lost my memory and you're the only one who was with me when I needed someone to depend on. That man, he means nothing to me. Not even once have I mentioned his name in my letters. It must've been because my past with him was full of unpleasant things. This is why I don't want to associate myself with him in any way I can."

Then, Sheryl slowly placed both her hands in Anthony's cheeks, gently brushed them and said,"I only care about you now. So please, have more faith in yourself, in me and our relationship. Can you do that, for me?" Her words came in a gush of wind that was filled with love, enough to rekindle her boyfriend's hope for their relationship.

He stared at Sheryl who was doing her best to comfort him, his dull expression slowly lit up and a ray of hope was seen in his eyes.

Thinking how ridiculous he was for worrying about such things, Anthony thought to himself, 'Three years have passed, and a lot of things have changed. She is Sheryl now, different from the Autumn before. Moreover, she is my woman now.

I'm the one who kept her company when she needed someone to depend on. As for Charles, he's long been gone from her memory. He no longer exists.

Sheryl has even forgotten his name, his existence. So, what else do I have to worry? We get along just fine. I understand her needs, including Shirley's. We have shared and gone through a lot together for the past years.

Maybe I was being too sensitive. Maybe I was just worrying for nothing.

This woman, she worked so hard for our future. I shouldn't put her down nor let her give up the chance for us to be together.'

After persuading himself, he grabbed Sheryl's hand and said tenderly,"Sher, if you are already so sure of your decision and have already made up your mind, then I won't stop you anymore. You can go there and fulfill your dream for that fashion show." "As for Shirley, I'll help you look after her so you can rest your mind and focus on what you want to achieve. We'll wait for you," Anthony added in a calm and promising tone.

When she heard him say those words, a smile lit up on her face. She said in relief,"Thank you, Anthony. I won't let you down." Sheryl might have gained Anthony's approval, but a sense of guilt was slowly filling her heart. She could only lower her head to keep him from noticing the inexplicable anxiety in her eyes.

What she confided to Anthony was just a trivial reason for her decision to visit Y City. The real reason behind her decision was because of a voice. A voice kept on resounding in her mind, telling her to return to her hometown.

This familiar voice piqued her interest to have a look at the city where she had lived, but forgotten completely.

The desire to know why someone kept calling her name and who it was kept growing in her. If she could run into some former acquaintances, maybe she would gain the answers to her questions.

In Y City

Charles' life was in turmoil and his daily life became a rerun. After getting off from work, he would directly head to the bar for a drink. One day, Chris and Gary stayed at home and had lunch together. After their meal, the old man let out a sigh,"Autumn has left for three years now. But look at your brother, he hasn't gone any better. He's been burying himself in work and alcohol. I just don't know when he can let her go."

Gary kept on worrying for his grandson's welfare. After learning about Autumn and her twins' disappearance, he became seriously ill and his health started to slowly deteriorate.

As for the Zhao family, they decided to leave the city after Autumn disappeared. They initially decided to settle here for her, but when they couldn't find her after looking everywhere, they decided to desert the place and forget all the painful memories they had here.

Also, it was said that Abby's son was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. The poor mother had wept so many times for her child.

Knowing that she would never be happy staying in this place, her husband decided to elope with her family and leave the city behind.


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