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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 517

Leila sat quietly for a long time, carefully thinking what to do. She was still unable to make up her mind.

After Chris left, Leila kept thinking about her suggestion. Leila felt what Chris proposed sounded quite reasonable. Yes, she wanted to marry Charles, and the best way to get intimate with the man was to spend more time with him.

Love, she believed, would follow in time.

But Leila still had certain misgivings. Voluntarily applying for a position in the Shining Company was not a good move. Charles would easily see her real intention. She needed to figure out a plan. 'How can I make Charles ask me back to his company?' Leila thought.

As usual, Charles called Leila that evening to ask her out for drinks. She hesitated but then finally declined his invitation. "Mr. Lu, much as I also want to have a drink with you, I'm too tired to go out," she said with an excuse. "You know I have to work hard to raise my son. I've been at the supermarket the whole day, and I am exhausted, so I want to rest early tonight," Leila told Charles.

"You're working at a supermarket?" Charles couldn't keep the surprise out of his voice. He knew Leila was competent and highly educated but now she was just working as a salesperson to earn a living for her son. Her revelation shocked Charles, and he wanted to know why.

"Why are you working at the supermarket?" he inquired. Charles hoped his question did not offend her. He held the phone and couldn't help feeling baffled at Leila's current employment situation.

The woman he knew was arrogant, so it was difficult to imagine her accepting a job as lowly as a supermarket salesperson.

"Yes, I am working at a supermarket as a saleswoman now," Leila admitted. "You sound surprised. Why? Is it because you never expected me to be doing this?" she asked. He couldn't see her smiling bitterly. Leila drew in a breath before continuing,"You do know I am a single mom. So I need to make money to support our life, and take care of my son." Leila saw the opportunity to set her plan in motion. "I had offers from some companies before, but I had to refuse them because I had to take care of my son. When I tried applying again, I was told to stop working and look for another job when my son is big enough and doesn't need too much attention," she said lengthily.

There was a pause as she thought of what to say next. "Mr. Lu, you were born into a prominent family, and don't have to worry about such trivial matters. But, like most everybody else, I have to work hard to earn a living. If I don't work, I won't have a source of income," she wove her story smiling. Sighing, she ended with,"So, I'm afraid I can't go out drinking with you anymore."

Leila was taking a huge risk with this strategy. Each time Charles asked her out for drinks was a chance to become closer to him. But their past outings got her nowhere.

She now knew that to get more intimate with Charles required a reckless move such as this.

If this risk paid off, then things would hopefully fall into place. But if she failed, Leila knew she would lose her last chance at becoming close to Charles again.

As she ended her tale, Leila fidgeted while waiting for Charles to say something. He was silent for a long time, making her even more nervous. Leila was on her way to getting upset, with a sinking feeling that it was over. She was close to accepting defeat.

She began to regret all that she just told Charles, but there wasn't anything she could do to remedy the situation. Instead she smiled bitterly and said,"Mr. Lu, I am so sorry. I have to hang up now." Still no reaction. "I need to give my son a bath."

It truly disappointed her that she screwed her chances with Charles, so she took a deep breath and was ready to hang up.

But before she could do so, Charles suddenly spoke up,"Wait a minute, Leila."

Hearing his voice suddenly made Leila nervous. Was the situation about to change? She didn't realize how tight she held the phone, but her voice was shaky as she asked,"Do you want to say something, Mr. Lu?"

After realizing Leila's situation, Charles began thinking how desperately he needed people to help him manage the day-to-day company affairs. Leila could help him manage the company. It would also be good to have her around to remind him of his missing wife. Charles was sure that if Autumn were still alive, she, too, would be a single mother, like Leila.

He considered all this and became determined to help his former secretary. Charles thought it would also make him feel better to help Leila at this point in her life. He also hoped that Autumn would meet someone who would want to do the same for her.

He drew in a deep breath and asked,"Are you available tomorrow?" Before she could respond, he added,"If you're free, come to Shining Company. I want to talk to you." Charles couldn't believe how relaxed he sounded while speaking. And Leila was beside herself with joy.


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