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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 588

Sue looked around and asked Sheryl with a doubt,"I remember you asked for a much bigger apartment. But this one seems to be just the same size of mine. Did BM Corporation change their mind?"

"No," Sheryl replied shortly. She told Sue that it was she who had made some changes in the contract with BM Corporation. She shrugged her shoulders and added,"That's why I am living in this apartment."

Sheryl didn't think she deserved much better treatment than other models, and that was why she discussed the contract with BM Corporation and requested some portions to be changed.

"You dim-witted woman! You usually look smart. Why did you become so stupid this time?" Sue furrowed her brows while blaming Sheryl for her foolishness. "Since you were promised a better treatment, you should have accepted it. Why did you declined their offers? Aren't you fool enough to let go of such a very good assurance?"

Sheryl smiled and explained patiently,"I don't deserve such a special treatment. I am a person with a self-knowledge. And since I know myself well, I can assure you that I am contented with the treatment I am getting right now."

Sue felt it was a pity to refuse such a better treatment. She really couldn't agree with Sheryl's modesty and honesty. However, there was nothing she could do anymore since the contract had already been signed.

Sue sighed deeply before warning her,"Sher, since you will be staying in BM Corporation, please be cautious. In my opinion, the other models are not easy to get along with."

The other models regarded Sheryl as an imaginary enemy. They would do anything to ruin Sheryl's shows. Actually, their biggest dream was to destroy Sheryl's career.

Sheryl didn't care much about the hostility of other models toward her. She preferred to focus her full attention on her shows. If every show that she would be attending succeeded, she had nothing to be ashamed of.

Charles had informed the Zhao family that Autumn had come back as soon as he was able to confirm her real identity. Arthur and Amy had never stopped looking for their granddaughter. However, when Rick Xu was born, he was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease. In order to take good care of him, the Zhao family moved away. Of course that was not the only reason. The other important reason was that living in the house constantly made the whole family miss Autumn. When Charles called and said he had found his wife, Amy fainted because of too much excitement. On the other hand, Abby beamed with happiness. Almost all of them were immersed in ecstasy.

On the contrary, Andy's expression was weird. Good thing no one noticed it. Helping Anthony seemed to be a mistake. Autumn's absence had caused the whole family to suffer. He was suddenly seized by a pang of conscience.

"My dear husband, do you think it's for real? Or am I only dreaming?" Amy asked, holding Arthur's hand tightly. The good news seemed to be so hard to believe.

"It is true. It is true," Arthur comforted Amy. Although he too, was very excited, he tried his best to stay calm. He patted Amy's shoulder and assured her,"It was Charles who called to tell us that our granddaughter is back so, I believe she is really back."

Amy was so elated that she suddenly ran to her bedroom. Though it was already late, she intended to pack her luggage and drove the entire night to Y City. They had bought an apartment there before so that Autumn could visit them more frequently. And even after she went missing, they didn't sell the house because they believed that she would return soon.

Now, their wish came true. Autumn's return was really a big surprise.

"Mother, it's already too late. Let's just leave tomorrow morning," Abby held Amy's shoulder and persuaded. "I suggest that you have a good rest tonight. You want to look great, don't you? Having a good sleep can assure you that you would got much energy and appear in front of Autumn early tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, I agree. Mother, it is too late now. Besides, Rick is not strong enough to spend the night on the road. If you are really eager to see Autumn, just wait until dawn," Andy standing nearby echoed.

Andy's words succeeded in calming Amy down. If he said anything else, she would probably just ignore it and insist on setting out to meet Autumn. But she must take Rick Xu's health into account.

'My grandson has suffered a great deal since he was born.


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