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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 589

"Okay." Andy agreed. Although he felt sorry for Charles and Autumn because of what he did before, he had no other choice. He only did it all for his child.

Anthony traded the information about how he got the heart to Andy for the benefit of Autumn. However, when it came to what would happen in the future, Andy really wouldn't be able to predict it.

Morning came. When Cindy and Rick woke up, they found that Abby had already packed their luggage. They both stood next to her with surprised look on their faces, and Rick asked,"Mommy, are we going to travel?"

"No, dear." Abby smiled at Rick and continued,"Mommy is taking you to see a sister. A very beautiful sister."

"Is it sister Autumn?" Cindy suddenly asked. Abby was taken aback by her question. Clearly, she didn't expect that Cindy would still remember Autumn.

"Yes!" Abby confirmed with a smile. She then asked Cindy,"Do you want to see her?"

"Yes!" Cindy nodded her head firmly. A trace of excitement suddenly appeared on her cute face.

When Andy got up, Abby had already finished packing. Seeing Andy awake, Abby said to him,"Go wash yourself first, and then bring the kids to the dining room for breakfast. I'll join you once I'm done here."

"Okay," Andy agreed. Andy took a glance at Abby's luggage. He saw that she had brought some winter clothes with her. It seemed that she was planning to stay there for a long time. He couldn't help but sigh in silence.

Besides Abby, Amy had also finished packing her stuff. They then had breakfast altogether. After eating breakfast, she reminded the servants of things that needed to be taken care of while they were away. After making sure that everything was settled, they set off. The city they were living in wasn't that far from Y City so they arrived in just two hours.

They went straight to Dream Garden where Charles lived. However, it was Charlie who opened the door for them. He asked politely as he saw them,"Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Autumn's kid?" Amy fell in love with Charlie the moment she laid her eyes on him. She suddenly hugged him tightly. Although he was surprised, Charlie didn't try to escape from her arms. Full of curiosity, he just kept looking at the people standing in front of him.

Andy already knew who this kid was but he dared not say anything.

"Great grandma," said Charlie,"are you looking for my dad?"

"Yes. Where is he?" Amy was still holding Charlie's hands. She didn't want to let him go. Charlie replied politely,"My dad isn't home today. Maybe you can come back the next day."

"The next day?" Amy asked ghastly. That was absolutely impossible. She was so desperate to see Autumn now. Instead of leaving, she asked Charlie who was still standing in front of her,"What about your mom? We want to see her too."

"Well…" Charlie furrowed his eyebrows. He was confused. Did they know Leila?

'Who the heck were they?' he thought.

"You guys are back?!" Charlie's thoughts were awaken by Gary's voice. Gary was at home too. He was actually waiting for Charlie to come back so he could ask who their visitors were but it had been a while and Charlie hadn't come back yet. Feeling impatient, Gary went out to see what was happening. When he recognized Arthur and his family, he immediately greeted them and invited them in. "Come on in."


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