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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 880

"That's good to know." Amy finally took a weight off her mind and said to Sheryl with concern, "By the way, you should seriously consider the things between you and Charles. It's been a long time since you separated from each other. It must be hard for you both. So if both of you have made up your mind to be together, then why not make it as soon as possible?"

"Come on, mom! It's none of your business. Both of them are grown ups." Abby gave a hearty laugh to reassure Amy that she did not need to worry about Sheryl and Charles. Then she added, "Moreover, they are parents of two lovely kids. I am sure they take care of their own things."

"Really?" Amy was rather taken aback by Abby's words. She turned towards Abby with curious eyes.

Sheryl blushed at the thought of how eagerly everybody in her family wanted her to get back with Charles. But the very thought of it just made her feel like running away. She stood up trying to calm down, but seemed to be of no avail. All she could do was just to stammer, "If… if this is what you want to discuss with me now, then I think I am really tired and would like to go to bed."

Sheryl just rushed into her room without turning back to look at Abby and Amy even for once. Amy and Abby shared a glance with each other and broke into a smile. Sheryl decided to take a shower to calm herself down. As soon as she finished her shower, she received a phone call. As she answered the call, it was Isla on the other side, her voice bustling with joy and excitement, "I knew you would make it! Sher, Congratulations!"

The pitch of Isla's voice was so high that Sheryl had to hold her phone away from her ears in order to avoid the risk of becoming deaf. She had no idea why Isla was so excited.

"I knew you would make it!" Her voice got more and more loud and full of excitement as she kept repeating herself. After a while she just realized that it was she who kept on talking while there was a complete silence on the other side. Just to confirm that the line was still connected, she asked, "Sher, are you there? Are you listening to me?"

"I am," Sheryl replied in a nonchalant voice.

"Then why are you not replying to me? Aren't you excited?" Isla wondered.

"My dear Isla, since I picked up my phone, it is you who have been shouting at the top of your voice and congratulating me all this while. You didn't even bother to tell me the reason behind your excitement. I thought once your moment of exhilaration passed, I would take a chance to ask what it is that you were so desperate to share with me. So, may I ask now? What makes you so excited?" Sheryl felt a little speechless at first and now she finally got a chance to speak.

"Ohhh, I almost forgot to tell you. I was just too exhilarated. Let me tell you the most important thing." Isla took some deep breaths to calm herself down before she spoke. "The project you delivered got permitted!"

"Really! Are you sure?" Suddenly, there was a spring in Sheryl's voice as she spoke. All this while, Sheryl was in some sort of a daze. First, the deep passionate kiss with Charles, then being caught by Abby and at the end, Amy raising the topic of her getting back with Charles. Sheryl felt as if her voice had gotten lost somewhere. The news from Isla acted like a much needed force to pull her back to herself. At the onslaught, Sheryl found the news a little unbelievable. Her lips curled up unconsciously when she heard Isla. Then slowly she could feel the sense of accomplishment. Sheryl was so glad to hear the news because she loved this job. Though she barely revealed it, but she felt a deep satisfaction in working on projects for Cloud Advertising Company. She never felt the same way while working for the BM Corporation.

"Certainly, of course." Isla was still very excited and praised, "I am so happy, Sheryl! I knew you would make it!"

Sheryl could not help smiling and asked, "Is there anything else that you want to tell me about?"

"Yes. There is another thing." Isla cooled herself down and explained, "Here it is. Our partner company demands a meeting with us to discuss in details about the project. I agreed with that on your behalf and the meeting has been set for tomorrow. So you have to make yourself available for the meeting tomorrow."

"Do I have to come?" Sheryl became anxious all of a sudden. "Can you just find someone else to attend the meeting on my behalf, or maybe you could attend the meeting alone?" Sheryl frowned as she spoke. This was really a hard choice to make. After all, she was still under the employment contract with BM Corporation that would refrain her to get actively involved in a project for any other company. She could only help Isla secretly. If she went for a meeting, she would be exposed.

"Sher, you know I don't want to put you in trouble." She gave her a wry laughter and continued, "If I had any other option, I would never ask you to come with me. But the client insisted that you should attend the meeting in person, otherwise, there will be no deal! And more importantly, Sher, are you willing to allow this project to end up in vain? You had stayed up the whole night working on it."

"But…" Sheryl's mind was in a complete mess now. She didn't know how to make a choice between her current professional commitment and her dream project at Cloud Advertising Company.

"You are in a dilemma, and I can totally understand that." Isla paused for a while and then again continued, "The meeting has been scheduled in our office where only the staff from both the companies will be present. No outsider will even come to know about your presence. I can assure you of that!"


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