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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 881

"The answer is so obvious that I don't even need to say it out loud," Sue remarked. She smiled encouragingly toward Sheryl, relieved that they had finally sorted it out.

However, Sheryl's frown remained glued to her forehead. With a defeated glance, she disagreed, "That may be what I want Sue, but the reality is more complicated. Uh! Why did I sign that annoying contract with BM Corporation?"

A light bulb went off in Sue's mind and she asked Sheryl to confirm her realization, "So, you are just concerned about all the money you owe them if you break your contract early?" She kept her eyes locked onto Sheryl's waiting for her reply.

"Yes," Sheryl confirmed with a demoralized tone. It was obvious she had lost all hope.

Sue hesitated to let Sheryl know her idea, afraid that she would find it insulting or annoying. After a few silent moments, she finally mustered the courage to advise her, "Sher, maybe it's not my place to tell you this, but… I think Charles would be more than happy to pay for you."

"You know I am not that kind of person," asserted Sheryl in rejection of her advice. That was the reaction Sue expected anyway, so she didn't take it personally.

She took a few more moments to think of how to best put it.

Sue was aware that Sheryl was not that type of woman who would rely on a man to rescue her. She had no princess aspirations. In fact, she was an independent, confident woman who would not compromise her values regardless of the circumstances. Sue wanted to help her out somehow, to pay her back for everything Sheryl had done for her.

Her mind began taking detours onto memory lane, where she recalled some of the bad things she had done to Sheryl; all the troubles, the tears put even more pressure on her.

"But Sher…" she tried persuading her. In Sue's mind, this was the only way to help Sheryl out. "Charles is the closest person to you," she continued.

"Even so, I still don't want his money," Sheryl argued. She was getting irritated by Sue's persistence. So she had to set the record straight once and for all. "This is my own problem. I'll fix it on my own. I won't trouble anyone else."

Sue let out a deep breath and calmly talked to Sheryl, "I have always felt that you have so much passion for your work for Cloud Advertising Company. Even when you work overtime, you are still so energetic and excited, especially when you get a difficult task assigned. Remember the time you prepared breakfast for me when I was in the hospital? You didn't sleep the entire night before. Though you looked tired physically, you were so alive and positive that morning. Your passion, your zeal, and your dedication came out in everything you did. You are born to follow your dreams. You can't be constricted by logistics and paperwork. As for BM Corporation, why don't you just cross that bridge when you get there?"

Sheryl was speechless for a minute. Seeing that she was getting through to her, Sue continued, "Remember what you told me? If you find a person you like or a thing that you enjoy, seize it and don't let it slip by. These are your words. Now the chance is right in front of your eyes. Why don't you seize it?"

"I..." mumbled Sheryl. Sue's hope was contagious; it was starting to spread through Sheryl's veins too. She was right and it was finally clear for Sheryl as well. Nodding, she replied, "Yes, that's true! I have to do what I feel is right."

Being courageous, brave, and bold was her prerogative.

That was what she had been doing from the moment she stepped her feet in Y City. Once she regained her memories and her life, she began putting back together all the scattered pieces and this decision was one of those pieces.

Along her way, there was love, work and identity change. But all these had been her past, which she couldn't do anything about. Now she had the chance to decide for herself, so she would do it.

"Sue, thank you so much. If not for you, I may still be trapped by my own insecurities," Sheryl gratefully stated. She was starting to regain her excitement about the future. It felt like a veil was lifted from her eyes.

Smiling, Sue replied, "Thank me for what? I should be the one to say 'thank you'. What you have done for me… I really don't know how to pay you back."

"I did not help you for your appreciation," Sheryl explained. She then rushed to send Isla a message saying that she would attend the upcoming meeting.

After Sheryl thought everything through, her mood changed to a more relaxed, optimistic one. It was as if a heavy weight were taken off her chest. She wanted to ask Holley for a day off but was stopped by Sue.

"It's already late. She is probably asleep now. I'm going to the company to apply for a leave of absence myself. I can help you apply too," Sue said encouragingly. She was happy to be able to help her in any way.


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