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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 13


I placed Blue’s luggage on the bed and began unpacking it. I was going to help her put things in place so she didn’t face a problem later when she was alone.

She sat down at the edge of the bed and looked around curiously. “Is this room...”

“Mine. It was my bedroom when I used to live in the house with my family.”

She climbed to her feet and walked towards some shelves and looked at the trophies and awards I’d received during school. “You were a good student.” She remarked.

“Yeah. Kinda...I guess.” I said. I tried to remain modest about these things. I didn’t think too much about the trophies. I didn’t think much of anything. My entire life had no meaning whatsoever.

She pointed at a framed high school picture of me sitting on bedside table. It was a picture of me with my soccer team, the entire group of jock players who used to be my friends at one time. When my father declared to disown me, those same group of friends laughed at me for being poor and alone.

“You looked so cute.” She commented.

I slammed the frame close. My stepmom had a very bad habit of snooping around in my room and placing things where they didn’t belong. That woman had nothing better to do with her time. Sometimes I wondered if she wished I was born to her so it would have been easy to keep me in line. It didn’t matter to her either way.

I shook my head. Blue settled down on the bed, and touched the pillows. And before I knew it she was burying her face in the cushion. She inhaled aggressively and moaned loudly.

So loud that I had to step back and close the door of the room.

What the hell?

I’d never heard her moan like that.

“What are you doing, Blue?” I asked her softly.

If a maid were to walk by, I was positive they would hear the sounds of her moans and think of some explicit scenario. My reputation didn’t make things any better.

“This pillow.” She whispered in an intoxicated voice. “It smells so good. It smells of you”

Her toes curled. I was growing hard down south. Before she could moan even louder, I shushed her. “Blue, lower down your voice.”

I remembered lying down in bed a few weeks back when I was drunk out of my mind and Hannah tried to sneak me into the house at the crack of dawn. I was busted in point five seconds of walking through the threshold. I found myself under the sting eye of my Dad who’d been waiting in the darkness of the kitchen. The next few days were followed by his rants and some bickering which had warranted him taking a final action on the lifelong threats that he’d made. I was thrown out of my own house. If I didn’t straighten out soon, I’d be out of the will too.

Definitely not the night I wanted to remember. Maybe I’d doused myself in so much perfume that day that the scent had stained my pillow. The maids probably hadn’t bothered to change the sheets later.

I pushed my thoughts aside and unpacked some of Blue’s clothes and arranged them into the now empty wardrobe. I placed her shoes in the bottom shelf. Then I found her lingerie and I tried not to imagine her wearing them as I arranged them in the drawers. It took me almost an hour to put her things in place.

“There.” I said. “You’re all set now.”

Blue peered at me curiously through her long luscious lashes, her long hair swept around her like a cloud of blue cotton candy.

“You’re really leaving me here, aren’t you?” She asked.

“I don’t have a choice, Blue. If we don’t put distance between us, it could get worse.”

“What could get worse?” She asked innocently.

“My feelings for you.”

She obviously didn’t understand.

“Can I get a hug before you leave?” She asked.

Who in the right mind would ever say no to something she wanted?

I gave her a nod. She went up on her knees and flung her arms around me in a strong, possessive embrace. I held her close to me and breathed in her scent. I could stay this way forever and never complain. In just a short amount of time, Blue had become someone very important to me.

“Be a good girl.” I told her. “If you need anything, Hannah will help you. I will see you when I can, okay?”

Blue nodded. Hesitantly, she raised her hand towards my face. Her hand stayed on my cheek and then she raised her other hand and placed both her palms at either sides of my head. She closed her eyes. I felt a bolt of electricity pass through me and fragments of my past resurfaced in flashbacks like it was a short movie. When she opened her eyes, they were wide. I knew from the anguish in her expressions that she’d seen a glimpse of it.

A glimpse of my past that I’d tried to keep hidden.

Anger surged through me. I smacked her hand away from my cheek, “What the fuck?!”

Her hands were still raised towards me, her expressions baffled.

I don’t think I’d ever given Blue a death glare until now. She explained, “Hunter, I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to...”

“You didn’t mean to what?” I bellowed. “Why would you do that? It’s not fair to peek into other people’s mind like that, Blue!”

“I just wanted to see why you were hurting!”

Feeling angry about the fact that I’d let my emotions show, I snapped. “You’re not a goddamn psychiatrist so stop trying to look into my past! I’m not to be fixed like some toy and I definitely hate when someone invades my privacy.”

Blue flinched; I guess she wasn’t used to seeing me so pissed off and it’d caught her off-guard. I didn’t blame her. People often thought I was sweet and all until they saw the ugly side of me.

She teared up and I instantly felt bad for behaving rudely. That was the problem with me. I was lethal when I got really angry.

“I’m sorry.” I said. I decided to change the subject all together. “I have arranged all your clothes in the closet. You’ll find the shoes in the last drawer. The middle drawer has your...” I cleared my throat. “Your lingerie.”

She wouldn’t look at me. The damage was done, and I guess it was for the best. I wanted to slap myself for how sad I’d made her. Blue didn’t deserve tears; she deserved the smiles and the child-like laugher that I’d fallen in love with.


Had I really fallen in love with the mermaid?

That couldn’t happen. There was no way that I could fall in love with Blue and not hurt her. There was a one hundred percent possibility that I would fuck up and I didn’t think I could stomach to see her hurt.

I met Hannah halfway downstairs. “You seem tensed, what’s wrong?” she was quick to notice.

“We had a fight.” I confessed.

“What for?” she asked giving me her signature pissed off look.

“It’s personal. Look, Han, Blue is not normal as you may already be aware. Due to some circumstances I can’t keep her at my apartment so I’m entrusting you with her responsibility for the time being. She will stay here until she figures a way to get back to her home.”

Sadness flashed in Hannah’s eyes. “Hunter, is Blue autistic?”


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