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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 16


“What’s clubbing? What do I have to do there?” I asked Hannah. I was excited at the prospect of going out somewhere. I was tired to being holed up in the house for an entire week.

Worse all I did was ended up thinking about Hunter. Now I had really made him upset and I had to find a way to apologize but before that I wanted to go out.

“Clubbing is where you will be dancing.”

I shook my head. “I don’t like dancing. Let’s go somewhere else.”

“You will be fine. It’s a club slash bar so there will be a lounge where you can sit and chill if you don’t like dancing. They serve the best tortilla chips and guacamole, and don’t even get me started with their burgers. The club is owned by my friend, you know. Trust me, it will be fun, Blue.” Hannah concluded. She seemed pretty excited and I didn’t want to burst her bubble of happiness with the gloominess that I was feeling myself.

It wouldn’t have to have a little fun, would it? If Hannah said it was going to be fun then I trusted her.

“Okay, let’s do this. Can I wear the Dora the explorer t-shirt that Hunter got me?” I asked.

Hannah laughed. “No way. You’re not a kid, Blue. You’re a woman. And if that wasn’t the case before, it is right now. Leave it to me.”

Hannah then processed to throw her clothes out of the closet and started telling me to dress up in them one after the other. Lastly I was dressed in a short skirt and a white off-shoulders blouse that was low cut and when I looked at myself in the mirror I felt my cheeks burn. I pulled my hair to cover my breasts because Hunter used to say I shouldn’t be showing them off in the public.

“What are you doing?” Hannah said exasperatedly.

“Hunter said I shouldn’t wear something like this outside in public.”

“Yeah not in public but flash all those wonderful boobs to him in private. What an asshole. Here’s a reality check, sweetie, Hunter is just jealous.” She said. “But worry not, this is the last place you will find Hunter going to.”

“Oh.” I felt a bit disappointed. I had thought maybe I could have a glimpse of him.

“Now let me choose a dress for myself and then I’ll do some wonderful things to your eyes. We will leave in thirty minutes.”

Hannah was dressed in a red short dress, her beautiful golden-brown hair tied in a long pony tail. She then sat me down at her dresser and styled my hair in what she called “beach waves” and Smokey eye makeup that made me look BOMB as she put it. When I took a final look in the mirror, I agreed that I looked different. She sprayed some amazing smelling scent on me and handed me a small pouch where I kept my phone and some money.

“Let’s get going.”

* * *

I wasn’t really a fan of Hannah’s driving skills. She drove recklessly, and tried to coax some boys into racing with her. I didn’t understand what was fun about it. I liked being in Hunter’s car. He was a safe driver, which reminded me...

I wanted to learn to drive too.

Finally Hannah parked outside a really fancy looking club called ‘Lucifer’s Den.’ I didn’t like the name of it. I had learned that Lucifer was a fallen angel turned demon, why was this club named after him?

A very angry looking man stood at the entrance of the club door, staring at me. “ID ma’am.”

“She’s with me, Rodney.” Hannah said.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Hannah. I didn’t know you had brought a friend.” This time his angry expression dissipated into a smile. I was relieved.

“Is Phoenix at the club tonight?”

“I’m not sure, ma’am. I didn’t see him. I saw Mr. Lockhart accompany his friend though.”

Hannah giggled. “Which one of the Lockhart’s, Rodney? There are a bunch of them.”

“The oldest brother, Max. He’s having some friends over tonight.”

“Yes, I know. He invited me too. Thanks, Rod.” Hannah waved at the big man and led me inside the club.

The place wasn’t something that I had imagined about. It was like walking into a completely different dimension, one that was all shinning and filled with glitter. Huge pink Chrystal chandeliers suspended from the ceilings. Even though the place was dark, the entire club was lit with pink lights that were glowing. I had no idea a place like this existed on earth, and yet Hunter had never even taken me to see it. Sure he had showed me to the malls, amusement parks and cafes but this was different. A group of boys were chatting and drinking from lovely looking glasses. There was a stairwell leading upstairs to people dancing. It looked crowded and I didn’t want to dance.

“Hannah!” I looked into the direction of the voice and saw a tall, attractive man beaming at my friend and making his way towards us.

As soon as the man neared us, Hannah jumped into his arms. “Max! It’s been so long, why haven’t you texted me?”

Max was a tall attractive boy with brown eyes and silver hair. He had a piercing in one ear and lower lip. There was this design that Hunter called a Tattoo on his neck. If I had to speculate his age in the human world, I would say he was the same age as Hunter, around twenty-three.

He looked at me curiously and smiled at Hannah. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”

“Oh yes, right.” Hannah said, her cheeks were pink. Did she like this Max boy? “Blue, meet Maximus Lockhart, he’s the owner of this club, hates being called Maximus and Max, this is Blue. She’s a friend who’s….well; she’s on a holiday here.”

Max grinned, “Pleased to meet you, Blue. Any friends of Hannah’s are my friends by default. I hope you enjoy your time at the club.”

“Thank you.” I said shyly.

Max smiled again. “She’s totally beautiful, Hannah. Where is she from?”

I wasn’t sure if I liked him talking about me third person.

“Uh…she’s not from around here.” Hannah said.

“I come from the underwater world.” I said proudly.

Max stared at me in complete silence and then laughed. “You’re funny.”

“Everyone says that.” I said.

“You’re in college?”

“Not really.” I answered.


“Haven’t had a job before, I would love to try one day though. So far, I just eat, sleep, and watch Dora the Explorer.”

Again Max stared for maybe an entire minute and then he was laughing until he had a tear leak through his eye. Hannah stepped lightly on my foot and whispered. “You’re not supposed to say that, Blue”

“I like a girl with a mystery. It just makes me want to solve it all the more.” Max said through all the laugher. “Are you single, love? Wait; don’t answer that because it doesn’t really matter.”

Hannah’s eyes widened. I could sense the fear coming through her in waves and I didn’t understand why. “Max, she’s actually with Hunter.”


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