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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 18


Alec was a funny guy. I realized that he was the only boy I actually liked other than Hunter, but I knew that my liking for Hunter was different. When I was with him, I had butterflies in my stomach taking flight all at once, but with Alec I felt no such thing. I was just very comfortable around him, the way I felt around Hannah too.

“Did I tell you that you look like a mermaid?”

That snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back what he’d just said. “What?”

Did he say mermaid?!

How did he find out? I was pretty sure I hadn’t said a word about the Underwater world or being a mermaid. I was starting to panic.

“I said you look like a mermaid.” Alec said with a grin.

I was utterly confused. “How did you...how did you know that I was a mermaid?”

Alec burst out laughing. “Nice one. I meant that Blue hair really suits you; I know it doesn’t suit much people. I have seen some girls in college dye their hair blue, you know to try something different but they ended up looking like complete witches. But I can’t believe how natural it looks on you.”

Oh. So he liked my blue hair hence the comment about me being a mermaid. I sighed in relief.

“Thanks, Alec. I like my hair too.”

“You know what? that just made you sound downright conceited.” He said laughing. “But with that face and body of yours, I can’t say I’m really mad. You’re allowed a bit of narcissism.”

“Hey, what you guys talking about?” Phoenix leaned against the bar and pushed an empty glass towards Alec.

“We were just talking about how narcissistic you are, Phoenix Lockhart.”

“I could fire your ass for that comment, Alec Rogers.”

Alec just smiled. “I would love to see you try, bro.”

What was that scent? I brought my nose close to Phoenix, going on my tiptoes, took a long sniff and sighed. “You smell nice.”

His face went red. I had no idea why. “Uh...Okay. Thanks, I guess.”

Alec cleared his throat. “In all seriousness, we were just talking about mermaids. I’m so fascinated by mythical creatures. Did you know that more than eighty percent of the world’s oceans have been undiscovered? Imagine if they did some serious underwater researches, they may come across merfolks. Who knows there are probably some beautiful mermaids down there. Blue could totally look like one.”

Phoenix rolled his eyes. “You should totally stop geeking out like that, dude. Blue looks like she could use a drink for all that nerdy talk.”

Alec passed me a look full of suspicious. “Would you like a drink?”

“What kind of drink?” I asked.

“The type that I’m making.”

I looked between Phoenix and Alec. “I mean Maximus told me not to drink during the shift.”

“Trust me; if your hand or mouth is nowhere near my dick, your position is not in danger. I can guarantee you that. Besides, your shift is almost over.” Phoenix assured me, a cocky smile on his lips.

“A dick?” I asked. “What part of the male anatomy is that?”

Alec grinned. “See. I like Blue and her easy-going personality. She doesn’t even get remotely embarrassed. Lucky boyfriend.”

“I wish my boyfriend knew how lucky he was.”

“Are you kidding me?” Alec asked, putting an arm around my shoulders. “If you have his number, I’ll totally call him up and tell the douchebag how lucky he is to have a girl like you who clearly adores him.”

“On that note, I dare you, Blue, to drink a round of tequila with me.”

“What’s a dare?” I asked.

“Phoenix....” Alec had a warning tone to his voice but Phoenix ignored it.

“Four little glasses of the red liquid. It’s fun. If you don’t want to do it, you can say so and I’ll say you’re just a scaredy little cat. If you do the dare, you can dare me to something really outrageous and I’ll do it.”

I laughed. “You’ll do whatever I say?”

Phoenix nodded. “You have my word.”

“Pour me that red liquid.” I told Alec confidently.

“If Tyler finds out that you’re playing this game again with the new waitress, he’ll whoop your ass out of planet Earth.” Alec said to Phoenix.

“Heck, we have enough money to find a place for me on any other planet, and do your job, Rogers. The lady told you to pour the fucking drinks.”

Alec shook his head in disbelief and filled the three tiny glasses with the drink. I’d seen a lot of other girls’ drink this in one go. I could do the same thing too, I just knew it.

“Four. Not three.” Phoenix reminded Alec.

“Come on, dude.” Alec insisted.

“I said four.”

Alec grumbled something under his breath and pulled out one more glass and poured the liquid into it. I looked at the glasses suspiciously. Picked one, touched the rim to my lips, I could taste the salt on it. I quickly gulped it down.

The liquid burned down my throat, and it tasted bad like some medicine but Phoenix called this a dare and if I didn’t manage to finish it, he would start calling me a scaredy-cat and I wasn’t going to let that happen.

Alec handed me a wedge of lemon. I licked it and continued to down the last three glasses. It felt easier after the first two. My head suddenly felt woozy, and then kinda light. Alec seemed worried, his brows were knit together. “Are you alright?”

“Never better, actually.” I said sucking the life out of a lemon. I started to fan myself. “Why is it so hot in here?”

“I’ll increase the temperature of the air-conditioner.” Alec said, scurrying over to where the switches were.

“Please and thank you.” I giggled. I looked at the time; it was already past two a.m. which meant it was the end of my shift. Hannah should be here any minute to pick me up.

I was feeling really hot so I took off the headband holding my hair together and then unbuttoned my blouse and let it fall to the floor. I was wearing my favorite satin maroon bra cami. I didn’t dare take off my jeans. Heads turned in my direction and eyes stared.

I ignored them and settled down on the bar stool. To Phoenix I said, “You promised you would do whatever I asked you to.”

His eyes widened but I could see the amusement playing on his lips. “You look nice with that blouse off, sweetie.”

“I dare you to drink...” I took a pause to create suspense. “I dare you to drink ten shots.”

He chuckled. “That’s all? Piece of cake.”

“Whoa! Blue, why did you take off your top?” Alec asked as he put his arm around my shoulder. The air-conditioner was in full blast and I liked the assault of the cool air on my skin.


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