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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 26


Sunlight was streaming out of the curtains when I woke up the next morning, and my legs were tangled between Hunter’s. I caressed his leg with mine, loving the feel of the soft hair on it. It was so wonderful, a man’s body, so completely different and I was shocked how much I craved to be touched by his large masculine hands.

I pulled the comforter away to marvel his bare back and noticed his boxer briefs having a tent that he called morning wood. The more he wanted to hide it, the more I wanted to see it. Hunter was fast asleep; would it be inappropriate if I slid my hand under the waist band of his boxers?

I decided I couldn’t risk doing it. I didn’t want to see Hunter get furious and maybe just pack my bags and drop me back at Hannah’s. I just needed to find out a way to convince him to get naked.

How had I become like this?

While being on land, I’d done nothing but break the mermaid rules, one after the other. I’d sinned greatly, first by debauching a human boy, secondly by falling in love with him and thirdly for wanting to see him naked. I couldn’t remember being like this. I’d become so selfish that the thought of leaving Hunter made me super sad.

The light streaming from the window made his face glow, and his hair looked almost golden. I touched the little freckles on his nose. “Hunter...”

He moaned.

“Hunter, you have to go to college.” I whispered.

His eyes snapped open, revealing the silver. He pulled out of bed hastily. “Oh god, I slept in again.”

I heard the sound of the shower and minutes later he walked out with a towel draped over his head. I climbed out of bed, smiling at him. “Let me help you dry your hair.”

He sat down on the mattress without complaining and I dried his hair for him, as much as I could using the towel and a blow-dryer. He caught my hand in his, “What do you want for breakfast?”

“You’ll be late for your classes if you start preparing breakfast now. Don’t worry about me, I’ll manage.”

Hunter shook his head. “I’ll make breakfast for you.”

“Hunter, I said I can manage. I promise I’ll eat.”

He seemed reluctant. “Are you sure?”


He kissed my hand. “I’ll be done with classes soon; you wanna grab lunch with me?”

“Sure.” I said.

At around twelve p.m, Hannah and her boyfriend Fredrico came home to pick me up. They said Hunter had planned for the four of us to have lunch together. I was wearing a short black stripped jumpsuit, my wavy hair tied in a long thick braid. I’d decorated the braid with tiny shell clips. I dropped Leslie with our neighbor before leaving.

When Hannah and Fred saw me, they stared at me in awe and Hannah began clicking pictures of me in her phone.

“You look so cute.” She cooed as she continued to click pictures in different angles from the front seat. “I’m gonna cry.”

“Why would you cry?” I asked, surprised.

“Because you’re too damn fucking adorable.”

“Fucking?” I asked.

“Fudging. I said fudging. You’re fudging adorable, Blue.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“We’re taking you to a taco restaurant. Do you like tacos?” Fred said from the front seat.

I liked Fred since the first time I’d seen him. He was sarcastic, that’s what Hunter had mentioned before, and he’d also told me not to ever take Fred’s jokes seriously.

“I have never eaten tacos before.” I admitted.

Fred and Hannah exchanged looks. Then to Hannah, he said, “Hunter isn’t raising her properly, I see. Do you think we should be calling social services on your brother?”

Hannah shook her head. “Yeah, I think we ought to. He’s committed a grave sin.”

The two shook their head giving me pitiful looks.

The restaurant was called El Toro which Fred said meant The Bull, and I thought that was a weird name for a restaurant. Why would someone want to name their restaurant after a Bull? I inhaled the aroma of the spices wafting from the food being served. My mouth watered and my stomach was already growling.

There was a waitress named Sheila who led us to a secluded booth in the corner. I didn’t like how people stared at me as I passed the tables. The boys who were in a group were talking in whispers, and one turned to look at me and grinned.

I ignored him. Why was he even acting so familiar? I didn’t even know who he was.

I sat opposite Hannah and Fred. I quickly opened a menu card and placed it right in front of me so the guy couldn’t stare at me anymore.

“What do you want to order, Blue?” Fred asked.

“I think I’ll wait until Hunter is here.” I said.

Fred and Hannah exchanged looks. She said, “I swear I have never seen a cuter couple in my life. Hunter and Blue are the perfect example of how people should treat each other in a relationship.”

“What does that mean? You’re saying I’m not treating you correctly?” Fred asked Hannah, a huge frown on his face.


I texted Hunter.

Me: We are at the restaurant, where are you?

I got Hunter’s instant response.

Hunter: Stuck in traffic, Sweets. Order what you like in the meantime.

Me: I’ll wait for you.

I placed on phone back on the table and looked at Fred. Hannah was completely smitten by him, he sure didn’t have a lot of money according to what Hannah said but she also mentioned he was the king of her heart, whatever that meant. He was also best friends with Hunter, so obviously I liked Fred, even though I didn’t know him well.


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