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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 32


It was time.

Time for me to finally take the marriage vows with Hunter.

An hour ago when Adrian brought my brother, Apollo to into my room. I was shocked and I hadn’t known what to say. We’d stared at each other for so long, I’d started to wonder if it was a dream.

Without thinking I’d ran into his arms and sobbed into his chest. It’s during that time I realized how much I’d missed my family. To have my brother here on my wedding day was making me even more emotional.

And then a new fear had crept into my mind.

What if he forced me to leave with him?

I was surprised when Apollo didn’t ask me to leave with him, only asked me if I was sure about my decision.

“Blue, you’re getting married to a human. Marriage is a union that’s not easily broken, at least not for us merfolk. If this Hunter takes liking to some other woman and decides to get married again, you will suffer along with him.”

“I trust him,” I said.

“You’ve known the man for just three months; you hardly even know his character.” He said.

I placed my hand on my heart, “I’ve read his thoughts, and I’ve seen the deepest part of his feelings for me. He loves me. He would never break my heart. I won’t marry anyone else.”

Apollo had just nodded, “I knew this would happen.”

My gaze snapped at him in surprise. He went on. “I sensed this the second I knew that you were staying on land that you may have fallen in love with a mortal.”

“I can’t help how I feel.” I admitted, “I miss our world, but also I cannot leave Hunter.”

Apollo pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. “I trust your decision, aderfí, but I need to speak with the human and I’ll judge him myself. If he is hiding his true feelings in the pits of his heart, I’ll find out.”

I smiled, “He’s a good man, my Hunter. You won’t find any faults in him.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

And then my brother had left and for the next thirty minutes, I’d been beside myself with worry. I was scared Hunter would say the wrong thing and maybe set off Apollo. If Apollo made one bad impression about him, it would stick with him permanently. Hunter would never get a second chance to prove himself.

When my brother appeared smiling and told me everything was okay, I hugged him once again and thanked him.

I was so, so happy. It was scaring me.

My brother walked me down the aisle with all the guests looking at us with awe. My full attention was aimed at Hunter.

He looked like a prince. With his golden-brown hair so nice and thick, slight stubble of golden hair grazing his jaw, he had the mature today. Those warm silver eyes looked adoring. The cream tux fit him so perfectly, I was having a hard time breathing just looking at him.

He gave me a huge grin when he saw me walking towards him and his eyes stayed focused on me.

If I wasn’t mistaken...

I saw his eyes fill with tears. I’d never seen Hunter cry. He quickly began wiping his tears. Fred whispered something in his ear.

Why was Hunter crying now?

Had Apollo said something to him?

Or had he realized that marrying me was a wrong decision and was crying because he couldn’t cancel the wedding before now?

All at once, I felt scared and I knew I’d stopped smiling.

* * *


When I saw Blue walking down the aisle, with her brother on her arm. It was too much.

She looked so fucking beautiful, just downright gorgeous with her aqua blue hair in curls and the little crown holding the veil at the top of her head. Her dress was simple and elegant, not too fluffy, and decorated with lace and beads. Her lovely figure showed in the dress. I’d specifically told Hannah and Elaine about the dress having no deep necklines. It was just low enough to tease me and did not seem too scandalized.

Looking at her walking towards me with a bright innocent smile on her face, it brought tears to my eyes.

It just made me realize I’d done nothing to deserve this, nothing to deserve someone so pure like her.

When she approached closer, her smile suddenly faded; her blue eyes were peering at me guiltily.

And I wondered why. What happened to the radiant smile she was giving me a second ago? Was there a pimple on my face she was disappointed to find? Maybe she didn’t like my new hairstyle?

Apollo took her hand and placed it in mine. Softly he whispered, “I hope you love my sister more than she deserves to be. Blue is precious to me. If you hurt her, I’ll have your head, Brantley.”

I smiled at him. “You’ve made yourself clear.”

The ceremony proceeded. I’d told Hannah to pick a ring for myself but she was just smiling sneakily in the corner. I was touched when I saw that Blue had a ring made specifically for me. I guessed she’d blown off her pay from the Lockhart’s club.

We exchanged our rings and vows, and then the minister announced us, man and wife, I leaned in to kiss my wife, a simple peck on her lips but Blue held my face in her hands tightly and literally began French kissing.

In front of my parents.

In front of the fifty guests.

I had to pull myself away from her reluctantly, feeling embarrassed for both of us. The people in the front row appeared half scandalized.

When Blue flung the bouquet of flowers behind her, a large number of my cousins were wrestling for it like she was throwing a bag filled with billion dollars and not just flowers. If it was a billion dollars, Fred and I would have gladly joined the gang. Hannah was right at the center to receive it, but my cousin Hailey from New York pushed Hannah out of the way to get it. Her face, it lit up like she’d won the Oscars awards.

The ceremony was followed by the reception. Phoenix Lockhart’s heavy metal band ′Black Aesthetic′ was performing on the stage. Phoenix was the bandleader and drummer. I was kind of shocked he’d agreed to play for my wedding. I guess he was doing it for Blue. I’d also noticed Alec sulking in the corner until Hannah had dragged him to dance with her and Fred.

A long table was arranged with the food and the wedding cake appeared to be non-existent. At least, I’d managed to get one bite before it was completely gone. People were stuffing themselves with the pizza, slider burgers, croissant sandwiches, spring rolls, sushi, roast meat and dishes that I didn’t even how to pronounce.

The opposite side of the table had all the desserts lined up. From cakes, brownies, tarts to ice-creams and fruit salads. Elliot, my six-year-old cousin was demolishing a tower of colorful macarons.

Well, someone was going to have a stomach ache tonight.

Since I didn’t have time for a bachelor’s party, my cousins had made me a target of all the teasing. They were telling me I shouldn’t have too much to drink unless I wanted to snore on my wedding night and leave my new bride hot and bothered.

I wanted to tell them my bride wouldn’t care if I snored on my wedding night because Blue would assume it’s a tradition and maybe snore in bed with me.

The men chattered, one cousin named Ronald was complaining about how he wanted to get married too, but his girlfriend wouldn’t agree. After a while, I’d tuned them out, my eyes were searching for Blue. I spotted her by the Cupid fountain, talking to some of Hannah’s friends. A lovely smile on her face. And then it was almost like she felt my eyes on her because she turned, and held my gaze for a minute. I raised my hand and waved at her.

Like an idiot.

She grinned and waved back.

One of the girls caught her hand and dragged her towards the dance floor.

I checked my watch. Two more hours and then I would have Blue’s undivided attention. Somehow time seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace.

It was time for the couple to dance, and everyone had already chosen their partners. I placed my hands on Blue’s waist, her arms around my neck and we swayed to Elvis Presley’s Can’t help falling in love. I wasn’t even a sappy guy, but this was so romantic, I knew the song by heart and found myself lip-syncing to it.

Wise men say....

Only fools rush in...

But I, can’t help, falling in love with you...

Shall I stay?


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