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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 5


The entire ride back to my apartment was silent. Blue continued to look out of the window. Even though she’d stopped crying, her expressions were a dead giveaway that something was wrong. She’d slipped on my t-shirt from before, her hands joined in her lap. When we came back to my apartment, Blue settled down on my bed and continued to stare into space. Leslie was rolling on the floor with joy, unable to contain his happiness on the return of his new best friend.

My eyes flicked to the t-shirt she was wearing. The neckline was so big on her that it slipped down from the right shoulder showing off a creamy complexion. With her beautiful naturally dried aqua hair, she looked effortlessly pretty. She was so perfect that I wanted her to keep that t-shirt on forever.

That reminded me, if she were to stay here even temporarily, I ought to get her some real women’s garments and that meant I was going to be low on cash once again. I could coax Hannah, my half-sister to help out with the dilemma.

Blue and Hannah seemed like they were pretty much similar sizes. The only differences I could see between Hannah and Blue were, Hannah was as ugly as a fucking duck, no matter how much Fred lusted over her, I didn’t see that idiot being anything attractive to any guy. When I looked at Hannah all I could see was her snotty nose and her being in diapers and me having to change it multiple times during the time I used to babysit her while our parents attended parties and when the nanny got sick all of a sudden. (You know, sick after sucking face with our house butler)

Blue was shorter, cuter and gorgeous. When I looked closely, I could see why I’d thought she was different since the day I found her. She seemed like she’d walked right out of a Mythological book.I didn’t ask her what happened or why she had returned, it seemed to me like she needed some alone time to think and I owed her that privacy.

A few minutes passed in silence and then she whispered. “The gates were closed.”

“What gates?”

“The gates to the underworld. Those were open before I left that place but now the gates are closed. I can’t open them and the guards didn’t let me in. It seems the Gods don’t want me to come back.” Her body shook.

I opened my messy wardrobe and pulled out a clean blanket and placed it over her shoulders. “Why won’t they let you?”

“Coming into the human world is forbidden. It’s one of the greatest sins. When I swam away from the engagement party, I didn’t realize where I was going until it was too late and the fishermen took me.” She explained. “I wasn’t supposed to come into your world, Hunter, and now that I’m here, I don’t know how to go back.”

Her nose had gotten drippy and I realized she would turn my bed into boogerville so I brought a tissue box and placed a tissue on her nose. “Blow.” I instructed.

And she blew into the tissue in a very unattractive fashion. Any other girl would have been shy at the prospect of even considering to blow their nose in a tissue under my supervision because most girls I knew acted like they had clean noses since birth and never burped or farted their entire life.

“I don’t know what to do.” She cried and wiped at her tears with the heels of her palm. “These tears, they just won’t stop. I was not such a emotional person before. What is happening to me?!” She asked frustrated.

The reality was still feeling like a dream.

She was a mermaid.

There was a freakin Mermaid on my bed.

Blue stared at me, agitation on her features. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Nothing.” I said. “It’s just hard for me to comprehend the fact that I’m having a conversation with a beautiful mermaid, a real one.”

Her cheeks turned crimson. “Well, I couldn’t believe until yesterday that I was living with a handsome boy either.”

“Oh, so you think I’m handsome, huh?”

She rolled her eyes. “As if you didn’t know that. Are you betrothed to someone?”

I stared at her incredulously, “beth...what?”

Blue sighed, as if I was stupid and didn’t understand anything. “I was betrothed to Adrian, who I was supposed to marry. Were you also betrothed to someone?” She repeated.

Betrothed! How old fashion. Who said that word anymore but Blue wasn’t even from here. Maybe they were still old fashion down below. Maybe the mermaids still wore Hoop skirts and the boys wore dress shirts open from the front.

“I’m not engaged to anyone and neither am I dating. Well, I used to but that’s another story.”

Blue stared at me in surprise. “What’s dating?”

“When a man and a woman like each other, they date.”

“What happens when they date?” She asked in her childlike curiosity and it was killing me. No one can be so beautiful and be this innocent.

Although the questions were a bit annoying, I didn’t mind answering them as long as the girl wasn’t looking sad any longer. It seemed like the “Dating” conversation was working and she wasn’t having dark thoughts.

“When a girl and a guy date, they go out and have fun. Dinner, movies...” sex... she didn’t need to know that so I avoided that word. “You know stuff like that.”

Her eyes were sparkling with curiosity. “And then they get married right?”

“No, Blue. Dating doesn’t necessarily mean that it ends in marriage. Most relationships don’t work. People who marry are in love. Dating is something to just get to know someone.”

She nodded like she understood what that meant. “So after they get married, they kiss and have a human baby, right?”

I almost burst out laughing. If only babies were born through kissing, I’d probably be fathering over a hundred.

“Why are you laughing?” She asked me, irritated.

“There’s a lot more than just kissing that gets a woman pregnant, alright? But it’s best I’ll tell you that some other time.”

“Why can’t you tell me now?” She insisted like a four year old asking her mom if babies were given by fairies.

“Because it’s fucking complicated, okay?” I said almost irritated.

“Are you mad at me?” She asked.

I signed. I realized I must practice more control over my anger issues. I couldn’t be violent around this girl. She was sweet, and trying to learn about humans and there was nothing wrong she was doing if she was just a wee bit curious.

“I’m not mad at you, Blue. I just don’t think it’s an appropriate subject to discuss at the moment. I promise you I’ll explain everything soon.” I assured her with a smile. “For now, go to bed. Tomorrow morning, we can go shopping.”

“Shopping?” She beamed “For human clothes? Can I get a nice dress?”

I nodded. “Anything you want.”

With that I knew I’d pulled her out of her bad mood momentarily. We had to figure out how she would go home but that thought could rest for the moment. She was here for as long as it took for the underworld mermaid land gates to open or whatever shit she’d said so that meant she was going to stick around for a while. And while Blue was here, the least I could do was show her a good time. I went to sleep on that thought.

I couldn’t skip college today not when I’d already been blacklisted a few times for being a ‘no show’ a dozen times. If I wanted to pass the semester, I needed to attended classes just for the heck of it. I decided to take the afternoon classes, that way I had time with Blue.


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