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The Billionaire's Daughter novel Chapter 17

One week passed since Franco told me about his past. We were both busy the days that followed because of our exams, his work and the launch of my restaurant.

I was searching for him at the cafeteria where we were supposed to meet when I saw Francine and her group. They were talking animatedly to another girl, probably the transfer student that I was still not able to encounter.

Their group stood up to get their food. The girl stood up and turned around. When I saw her face I felt my knees buckle with the sudden emotion that came over me. Even if I have only seen her face in pictures, I still recognized her. I will never forget that face.


I remembered that Franco will meet me here and I knew I had to keep him away from the cafeteria so that they will not see each other.

I was so flustered that when I turned to get out of that place I bumped on another person and all his food came flying. Some even landed on my head and face. Talk about a silent exit.

“Hey, are you alright? Sorry. I was not looking at where I was going.”

The handsome man steadied me and tried to remove the food that was now sticking on my hair and face.

“Here, use my hanky.”

“Thanks. I’m sorry too. I was kind of in a hurry and was also not looking.”

“Here, let me.”

He was wiping my face with his handkerchief even if he was also soaked with juice and water from our collision. I can’t look at his face as I was really embarrassed and I can feel the eyes of everyone at the cafeteria looking at us.


To make things worse, Francine and her group approached and being the good persons that they were, they did what they were used to.

“Hey nerd. If you want to get noticed by Rob here you could have just approached him and not causing a scene.”

“Francine. That was uncalled for.”

“Rob, don’t be a victim of her conniving ways. She’s pretending to be distressed so you will notice her.”

“I don’t care if she was pretending, at least she looked innocent enough, unlike you. Just leave us alone.”

“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.”

I saw them leave and I can’t help but look at Madeleine who just watched at her new friends humiliate me publicly. I was thankful for this Rob person that he defended me.

Wait, Rob? As in the gorgeous Rob the captain of our varsity basketball team, the Rob who was every girl’s fantasy in school? At some point, he was also my crush, well, before I met Franco that is.

“Hey, are you alright? Don’t mind her. She was just being her awful self.”

“Don’t worry. I’m used to it. Well, thanks again and sorry for ruining your meal. I have to go.”

“Wait. I’m Rob and you are?”

“Saphira. Bye.”

And so I hurriedly left the cafeteria to search for Franco. I have to warn him that his ex was the new girl in school. If only his cellphone was working, then I wouldn’t have to search all over school for him.


Looking all over the school for Franco was killing my feet. I really have to give him a phone so I can just text or call him but I’m sure he will not like it. For his birthday next month I just have to force him to accept a cellphone as my gift.

I wonder what could have happened that he was not able to meet me at the cafeteria for lunch. Since I wasn’t able to find him, I went to our next class. He was not there either and the rest of the day I was not able to see him.

After school, I went to the café where he works but they said he took a leave for the day. So I went to their house.

After a few knocks on the door, he answered and he looked sick and pale.

“Hey, you didn’t tell me you were going home.”

“I felt sick and didn’t want you to get worried. What are you doing here?”

“I was very worried when I couldn’t find you in school. Hey. Come on let’s get you inside.”

He looked dizzy and about to fall when she caught him and helped him inside.


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