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The Billionaire's Daughter novel Chapter 28


When the security team arrived at the hotel suite, I explained Romano’s motives. They didn’t believe me at first since it was their comrade I was accusing of kidnapping but after showing them the box with his handwriting, they believed me. One of the guards identified also the gift wrapper as something he saw from Romano’s things.

“He is deliriously obsessed with Saphira. From the moment I met him, I always sensed something bad from him. He was different whenever Saphira is near. He looks at her differently, as if he was eyeing a prey or dinner. I always feel the need to guard her away from Romano.”

“Have you told Saphira about what you observed?”

“Yes Rob, I did. But she wouldn’t hear about it. She said he was only doing his job and watching her was his job as security. She also told me that at one time they were close like they were friends. But then when she left for vacation last year, when she came back, he was different, like he was never her friend before.”

“What could have happened to trigger this craziness?”

“Maybe he was crazy to begin with. I don’t know, but I have this feeling that he took her. He may be planning this for some time now. He was the one sending all those gifts based on the wrappers and the handwriting for the notes. No wonder he can sneak in untraced, he knows her schedule and he can approach her anytime he wants.”

“I remember when Saphira and I have our nightly dinners, he always look at me with so much contempt and hatred. I thought it was only my imagination or I was just thinking too much, but now I realized, he was being territorial. But why, Saphira was never his to begin with.”

I almost lost my train of thought when I heard Rob admit that Saphira and him were having “nightly dinners”. Wait, was that a date or what?

“Franco? Were you listening?”

“Huh? Ah. Yes. What was that again?”

“I said, now that we have proof we have to call her parents.”

“Sir, I already discussed with Senator on the phone about the situation. She will use their connections and influence in the military, police and CIA to find Ms. Saphira. They will be sending additional men to find her. Currently they are in Milan and cannot fly back due weather problems.”

“Great. Thanks John. Their influence and contact will be a great help for us. Please work with my security team to find her. We will be doing a search of our own. Just update us when you have news.”

I just hope Saphira is safe. She has been missing for more than 12 hours. Peering out the window, I was praying to God that He help us with our search. When I saw something that could probably help us with our search.



Chapter 28: Crazy 1

Chapter 28: Crazy 2


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