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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 43


I sit in the bar unable to shake off the memories of Cassie that flood my mind. Her smile, her laughter, the way she used to look at me with those trusting eyes. How could I have been so blind to not see the truth before?

The woman of my dreams was just right before my eyes, and she showered me with all the love she could offer and yet I treated her like garbage.

I reach for the glass of whiskey in front of me. As the amber liquid burns its way down my throat, I close my eyes and let the memories wash over me.

Cassie, with her fiery hair, unique eyes and fierce personality, jumping off the lake, risking her life to save mine. Cassie, with her beautiful eyes glistening under the moonlight as she stood before me that first night I met her. I would never forget the raw vulnerability and unconditional trust that I saw on her face when she lost her innocence to me. Then I remember her sad expression when I almost could not mutter the words ‘I do’ on the day of our wedding. The tears threatening to spill over as she held onto the hope that I would find it in myself to love her. But all I could offer was a cold facade of indifference, masking the confusion I feel within me. I remember the shattered look on her face when I told her I wanted a divorce. And then that look of loathing when chose to carry Megan over her out of that burning house.

I know then that she would never forgive me. I could barely forgive myself now.

I sigh heavily as I pour myself another glass of whiskey, hoping that in drowning myself in alcohol, I would be able to find my answers.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and then someone sits on the chair beside me. I don’t have to look to know that it’s Adam Richards, my college roommate. He just came back to the States after almost a decade of living in London.

“Come on, man! I’ve been back in the country for less than a week, and all I hear is moping from you!" he complains. “I remember you were a lot more fun in college.”

“Well, in college, I didn’t have these problems!”

“Okay, because I have nothing better to do, I will pretend to be interested in your problems. Tell me.”

“Fuck off!” I snort, taking another swig of my whiskey.

“Come on! It’s not like you have anyone else to tell your worries to! You used to pester me on the phone all the time. So, just humor me. What is it this time?”

“Megan is pregnant.”

“Okay, what’s wrong with that?”

“Everything!” I sigh. “I think I have the alcohol to blame for that!”

“Seriously? Are you saying that if you weren’t drunk, you wouldn’t have touched her?”

I drink instead of answering.

“Is it because of the wife you never told anyone about?”

I slam the glass on the table.

Adam shakes his head. “Why’d you let her go if you loved her that much?”

"Because I’m a fucking idiot!”

"But what are you planning to do with the baby?”

“I have to take responsibility for it. I will never turn my back on that child. But do I really have to marry Megan just because she is carrying my child?”

“Do you want people to call your child a bastard?”

“There has got to be another way!”

“And why don’t you want to marry Megan?”

“Because…” I trail off. There is only one reason why. “Because she’s not Cassie.” I turn to Adam. “If it was Cassie, things would have been different. I would rush her to the altar the moment she says yes. I would probably thank my lucky stars that I knocked her up. Because that would make the possibility of her saying no a lot slimmer.”

“Then go for it!” Adam says. “Chase Cassie. Do whatever you can to get her back. What’s holding you back?”

“She went to Vegas. What the fuck is she doing there with another man?”

“Just because she went to Vegas with a man doesn’t mean she’s there to get married. Check out her social media. Call her. Find out the truth before you go moping there.”

I take my phone and browse through her social media profile. Her latest post was a picture of Kai, dressed in a suit and holding a pillow with rings.

“I believe in fairy tales and ever afters…” she wrote.

“Oh, damn it!”


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