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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 46


‘That son of a bitch!’

I remember him saying, ‘Yes, I do want you back, Cassie. I want to try again. I want to do our marriage all over again. And this time, I promise you, I won’t fuck up anymore.’

And now, he’s marrying Megan?

I click on the volume of the Reels that Megan posted.

“Yes, Kayden. I love you, too. And I will always choose you. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby! I love you.”


So Megan is pregnant?

‘That son of a bitch!’

Was he two-timing Megan and me? What was he trying to achieve?

Or was he trying to get back at me for taking over King’s Court? Is this his ploy to distract me and then later steal King’s Court from right under my nose?

Well, he’s never going to win! I swear, I am done with Kayden Steele! I will stay as far away from him as possible. Megan can have him! He’s a total dick anyway!

“Cassie,” Ethan calls me from the doorway, interrupting my thoughts. “The police are here. Are you ready to speak to them now? I can tell them to come back later.”

“No. I’m ready,” I say.

I make my way to the lounge of Amber's bar and am greeted by a police officer.

“I am sorry to bother you, “ he says. “We’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“Go ahead.”

“Do you recognize the man who attacked you?”

"I don’t know him. But I’ve seen him before,” I reply. “Maybe seven years ago. He was the supervisor at a part time job I went to. He said his name is Glenn. But I’m not sure it’s his real name.”

“It could be possible. What happened seven years ago?”

I purse my lips. I hesitate if I’m going to drag Kayden’s name into this.

“I was drugged and woke up in a hotel room.”

“Did something happen to you? I mean, were you assaulted?”

I shake my head. “No. I was… I was just dizzy. No-nothing happened to me. So I didn’t report to the police. No blood, no foul, I thought.”

“And then did you see him again after that?”

I nod. “In the hospital. I saw him injecting something in my IV. I flatlined.”

“Can you think of any other motive he might have to do this to you?”

Yes! It has something to do with Kayden again. But I shake my head. “I am not sure.”

“Do you think it is random?” Ethan asks the police officer.

“That’s a possibility,” the police officer replies. “Although, it’s also possible that someone asked this person to attack Miss Carlisle. He could be a hired gun.” The police officer turns to me. “Is there anything else that you can share with us that might be of use to this case?”

I shake my head. “But I can get in touch with you in case I remember anything.”

The police officers leave and I sit with Ethan in the lobby.

He reaches out for my hand.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he whispers. “I should’ve stayed with you last night. I shouldn’t have danced with Amber. I…”

“Ethan!” I interrupt him. “Shut up. You didn’t do anything wrong. That guy would have gotten through to me anyway. I was just confused as to how he was able to spike my drink. He offered me a drink, but I didn’t drink it. That means…”


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