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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Empty Her Mind 

Lucas had mentioned the pool so casually that Marion initially assumed it was just outside the villa

However, upon stepping outside, she found herself facing a vast lawn adorned with golfing equipment. There was no sign of a pool

A pebbled pathway stretched to the left, while the right led toward the main gate

Marion surmised that the pool should be on the left. Following the path past flower beds, she finally laid eyes on the promised pool

It was an openair setting, flanked by coconut trees, umbrella shaded loungers, and a small space with a wooden table and matching benches

Lucas was already swimming as Marion approached

In the sunlight, his agile physique showcased the beautiful lines of his silhouette. His legs, often concealed beneath tailored pants, were long and slender

Lucas moved through the pool like a fish, as the sunlight glinted off the water’s surface. It was a captivating scene

Marion stood by, not wanting to break the spell

However, Lucas had already noticed her arrival

As he swam to the edge of the pool where Marion stood

He removed his sunglasses, and his cold eyes, and gazed at her. What’s up?” 

He took off his swim cap, and his untamed hair fell freely, adding a touch of unruliness to his composed demeanor

Step back a bit,he said

Marion, caught off guard, instinctively took a step back

In the next instant, she felt a rush of cool air sweep past her

Lucas had effortlessly leaped from the pool and landed barefoot right beside her

He glanced at the documents she held in her hands. Give me five minutes.” 

With that, he entered the adjacent room and disappeared from Marion’s view

The sun was not too scorching at that time of the day. The expansive view offered a clear sight of the distant setting sun

The evening glowed, and after standing for a while, Marion decided to retreat into the small room and take a seat on one of the chairs

Lucas had asked her to wait for five minutes, and just as Marion briefly flipped through the 

Chapter 109 Empty Her Mind 


documents again, he emerged wearing a bathrobe. Wooden screens on both sides of the small room created an artistic interplay, and a cool, refreshing breeze circulated through the scattered openings

Lucas pulled out the chair beside her and sat down. What’s the issue?” 

He seemed to have anticipated her concerns


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