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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 This Is Real 

Several of Sally’s close friends initially tried to speak up for her on Twitter, but within minutes, they were criticized by netizens to the point where they dared not speak any longer. Jessica Grey and Lyla Ludluck could not withstand the pressure, so they took screenshots and tagged Sally in their three- person group

Sally, still tearyeyed after crying to Jameson, claimed she did not know why the engagement ring incident was photographed and posted on Twitter. She cried while saying that even Jameson did not believe she would do such a thing. Jameson actively sought Sally’s help in choosing the ring, and someone with ill intentions took a photo and made it into a big issue, which was not good for Sally

Sally, don’t worry. I will get to the bottom of this! Alright, you’re not feeling well; get some rest. I’m hanging up.” 

As soon as he hung up, Sally immediately opened the group chat with her close friends. When she saw the screenshots, her face turned red with anger

Meanwhile, Jameson, who was planning to drive to the Cartier house, received a call from his friend, Patrick Starr

Is there something wrong?” 

I’m perfectly fine, but you have a problem! Why did Marion marry Lucas? Also, what’s going on between you and Sally? Are you out of your mind, actually buying a ring for her?” 

Listening to Patrick’s questions, Jameson furrowed his brows. What nonsense are you talking about? Is Marion marrying Lucas? The ring incident isn’t what you think it is!” 

Patrick snorted lightly. Enough said, the fact that Marion and Lucas got married is undeniable. Take a look at your WhatsApp; I’ve sent you the screenshots!” 

After delivering his message, Patrick promptly hung up the phone. Jameson stared at the disconnected call, understanding that his friend was angry

However, today, when he and Sally went to buy the ring, it was not as people speculated online, suggesting he was proposing to Sally. Naturally, he remembered that today was the third anniversary of his relationship with Marion, and they had agreed half a year ago to register their marriage on this day

However, due to Sally’s emotional breakdown before the wedding, he had no choice but to give up the ceremony. On the day of the accident involving Marion, he was deeply distressed. He had not expected 

her injuries to be so severe, thinking it was just another one of her tricks to keep him. Marion never liked Sally, and this was not the first time she played the game of making him choose between them. [

After learning that she had been in surgery for over eight hours, Jameson regretted his actions deeply. Yet, when he hastily returned to Lumina City, Marion refused to see him

On the day Marion was discharged from the hospital, she even slapped Sally. Surprisingly, Sally did 

Chapter 13 This Is Real 


not blame her; instead, she comforted him and analyzed many of Marion’s difficulties. Jameson understood that he had made a mistake this time, so he planned to buy another ring and propose to 


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